on a '62 they'll be screwed in studs, hopefully the threads will still be in good condition and you'll be able to screw it back in (but i doubt it) with a little studlock

if it's stuffed i'd consider redrilling all studs for the S3 pull through splined studs or just fit S3 hubs, i'm fitting S3 hubs to a '59 swb due to a few studs having lost the threads in the hubs, no more stud failures and bigger nuts/studs, i'll also have to redrill the brake drums to go over the studs (no big deal)

you can also get replacement splined studs for your hubs but i think you will still have to drill/clearance the original holes, make sure you get the correct studs if going this route

congratulations on having a supervisor that don't keep chirping in with useless comments :D
Hey guys,

didnt get much chance write last week, so heres what Ive done:

removed all the brake shoes, make it easier to move her, all the shoes and cylinders are brand spankin new :D Ive undone all the bolts the eight along the rear x member and the eight behind the seat box I dont think ive missed any..... also the wiring harness fastened the tub with its 5 billion tie wraps.....

Ive got tomoz off :D so hopefully over the course of the weekend Ill get the roof, sides, tub and door tops off...... and of course lots of picces.

any comments, advice, ticks n tips do tell

regards chris
Hey guys,

didnt get much chance write last week, so heres what Ive done:

removed all the brake shoes, make it easier to move her, all the shoes and cylinders are brand spankin new :D Ive undone all the bolts the eight along the rear x member and the eight behind the seat box I dont think ive missed any..... also the wiring harness fastened the tub with its 5 billion tie wraps.....

Ive got tomoz off :D so hopefully over the course of the weekend Ill get the roof, sides, tub and door tops off...... and of course lots of picces.

any comments, advice, ticks n tips do tell

regards chris
on getting the door tops off take the damn glass out first as youll probably be tempted to hit the bolts from underneith to free them up when removing the door top if you dont remove the glass and do this you will punch the bolt into the edge of the glass and shatter the fooker :):):):scratching_chin::cool:

cheers mate, they are screwed in as you said and still in good condtion.

Im still sure this landy has been heavy restored and just left to stand, shame really

thank for that, was going to anyway as the tops are rotten to hell but the glass is like new, ill be getting unglazed tops and makin my own.
hey up, ere`s what Ive got done today:

roof off

sides off

door tops hack off, ali pealed off the steel for the scrap weigh in.





hmmm this is a different way going about things........ worked though

new shiny bits :D


hey up, guys

spent yesterday (friday) cleaning up using a 4" grinder and wire wheel, and painting the chassis slowly (dodging the rain ) whilst been shouted at by the F***ing T**T from down the lane :rolleyes: ho hum life is good

no piccs yet the phone died on me

regards chris
hey up, guys

spent yesterday (friday) cleaning up using a 4" grinder and wire wheel, and painting the chassis slowly (dodging the rain ) whilst been shouted at by the F***ing T**T from down the lane :rolleyes: ho hum life is good

no piccs yet the phone died on me

regards chris

he he heee ive been doing the same its **** when yer int got a roof over yer head and yer can guarrantee as soon as youve done painting and struggling the sun will come out and stay out ;);)
"almost" too crap for me to bother today, i did eventually make an effort and got my lazy wimpy ass out there, got my bottle stove out and fired up (gotta keep my skinny ass warm :D )

finished cleaning up the timing chest on my tdi that's sat on the floor, set the timing and fitted a new belt and tensioners, cleaned up the inside of the cover

then realised i haven't got a replacement cover/pulley seal, dug out a series thermostat housing and cleaned it up in preparation for paint and cleaned up the seal surface of the damper

got called in to feed and wimped and called it a day, really was too cold and miserable for me today even with my stove chucking out a bit of heat
Hey fellas,

yer can guarrantee as soon as youve done painting and struggling the sun will come out and stay out ;);)

haha so true mate

got called in to feed and wimped and called it a day

well a mans gotta eat ya know.

right Ive had a mad today and ripped the s**t wiring out apart from the orignal cloth covered loom the rest was like throwing a grenade in a birds nest,

also stated the prep for removing the bulkhead just to make life easier.

all whilst listening to George Strait "How Bout Them Cowgirls" great song

now the important bit....... PICCES........




she`s gettin there, Ive set myself a rough deadline of late august - early september, what do you guys think?
thats lookin pretty damn sweet there mate was there any welding to do on that chassis or just a clean up and red oxide ???:D:D:D
Hey John,

yeh mate the rear X member, both front legs, and the offside bulkhead outrigger needs doing , but the rest is good.

what do we all think to the late summer deadline, do you think i`ll make it :confused: i hope so
well ever the optimist im hoping to have mine on the road or atleast mot worthy by the end of next month ( before casey louise arrives )

if i can do it for then you should have no problems for late summer :D:D:D:D
jjust do what i do and pull back enough tarp just to be able to do a small section at a time sort of setting meself a target for the end of that day
then even i dont know how good it looks till i pull the entire tarp off for a bit more stripping or refitting normally at the weekends so i can see the progress made through the week :D:D:D
cheers mate, is the "oh s**t what have i got myself into now" feeling i get when i pull back the tarp.

we've all suffered that feeling :D

my 109 took nine months of my spare time, i was almost sick of having to get out there and trying to build it "just so"

the one i'm doing now looked like this

and now looks like this

all the under pinnings have been stripped, wire mopped and painted now though so i'm just about at the rolling chassis assembly now (then i've got to start the rear end :screaming_bug_eye_f
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cheers guys, just need a kick up the arse, cant wait to get her on the road, she`s got a new name from the lovely young gal at work "the sexy red truck"....... hhmmm
looking good, my 109,s a verry close shade of red to your,s but mine,s been on a welsh farm for years and its all faded, leaving the bodywork n paint WELL alone, love the faded used look, as for the chassis, 200 tdi, 2a g/box , coil sprung fender axles and a stinking great harvey frost crane in the back(just for a giggle:D)
well done

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