Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


New Member
Hi all,
I am 18 years old and I've just passed my test and I'm looking to get a defender 90.
Just wondering if anyone had any recommendations for insurance companies to contact as I'm struggling.
Thanks again
try Adrian flux or Tesco bank box insurance or insure the box, flux offered my eldest a good deal on a series rover,

Tesco and insure the box require you to have a telematics box fitted to monitor your speed etc but the premiums are competitive
Main thing I found was the engine a 20 it was £1200 for TD5, £800 300tdi, £650 for a 200tdi.

Though when I got my TD5 it was £1200 first year and dropped to £800 second. Woth Flux
flux or sky insurance - all give good deals - you must expect to pay a fortune sadly :( but on a defender i think it will be better than many other cars :)
Try adding old farts with clean driving licences as named drivers. We saved a good amount on my daughters insurance doing this.
Try adding old farts with clean driving licences as named drivers. We saved a good amount on my daughters insurance doing this.
Sure !!!! and i bet the so called old farts with clean driving licences are going to love people like you giving that sort of advice to an 18 year old ? Just remember low insurance premiums come at a price ..IE no accidents no convictions ...;) How long do you think their no claims bonus is going to last with an 18 year old at the wheel ?????;)
Named drivers do not have to actually drive the car. And should the policy holder have a prang, it won't affect the named drivers whatsoever.
Get yourself a couple of quotes with and without. Trust me, I'm a old fart.
Named drivers do not have to actually drive the car. And should the policy holder have a prang, it won't affect the named drivers whatsoever.
Get yourself a couple of quotes with and without. Trust me, I'm a old fart.

+1 this, It makes the difference in a few hundred quid on the first few years of cars
but on a defender i think it will be better than many other car

I wouldn't bank on it. No ABS, No traction control, no flexible plastic bumpers, none of the safety features taken for granted on the typical new driver's superminis. Insurance is based notpurely on the damage you can do to yourself, but damage dmage you can do to others. A defender is going to make a healthy mess of most other vehicles it can hit, even at low speed. What would be a near zero buff it out parking scrape in a corsa could well be a write off with a defender.
The best quote I ever heard was "you can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead" laurel and hardy don't ask me which film I can't remember.

No use to you but I'm bored :D:p

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