
Here it is, I've always been good at getting into things I have no idea about and figuring them. Well I decided to build a 130 from ground up. Richards chassis, check, TDCI XS bulkhead, check, fuel tank and lines from breaker check, entire drive train from breaker-axle, props, puma engine and gearbox ( A/C equipped), check, new take of tub and front from foleys, check....Here is where it gets sticky-I bought a 2015 ECU, clock, and transponder/keys all from a broken 130 with only 12k miles but the ECU does not work with my bulkhead-Let me clarify-the wiring loom does not fit the ECU. 2 of the 3 sockets are larger in size and my bulkhead wiring only fits one socket-Was that clear? Anyway my grand question here is what to do. I can still purchase the broken 130 wiring loom but it does not come with heated screen or A/C ect, ect-In other words it's not an XS model wiring loom . Can I buy that loom that would accommodate the ECU and retrofit A/C to it? Are there spaces in a regular non A/C loom to just pop a relay and fuse to make it A/C? Or should I just get another ECU. Keep in mind that I would have to re-programme that other ECU.

Thanks for any help
I'd suggest keeping the loom that you have, and if modifying the loom is not something that you're comfortable with I'd recommend getting a good auto-electrician in to sort it. Certainly cheaper than another ECU.

You are sure that the ECU you've got will play nicely with the engine?
I agree keeping the loom and modifying it to work with the ECU might be best but it would mean a purchase of the original loom to the ECU The ECU, clocks, and keys/transponder were bought together and should all work fine with the engine.....for me to adjust the loom would mean the purchase of another loom. I really wanted to find out if I buy the loom ( that is not A/C equipped ) which is associated with the ECU, can I just plug in a relay or fuse to make it A/C equipped? I just don't know....Learning as I go. I would put a pic or two up later to show clearly what I mean
Here is a pic of the ECU. There are 2 larger sockets and 1 regular sized socket. My current loom doesn't fit all 3 sockets

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