
Well-Known Member

Which way does the fuel adjustment screw on the crankcase side of the Lucas/Cav injection pump need to be turned in order to INCREASE the amount of fuel to my injectors, and by how much? It passed its MOT with low emissions and there's no smoke at full throttle so there's a bit of leeway and a touch of extra power to be had. I want to increase the power a bit so that I can drive my huuuge 235x85 tyres up hills a bit quicker!

One thing that I can't get my head around though is how increasing the fuel will give me more power, when my engine revs high enough as it is! Can someone please explain this also!

Thanks in advance
It won't on that engine, you will just get smoke - unless someone has REALLY turned it down, how much slack do you have on your acclerator cable? Does it bite almost immediatly? Make sure there is not too much pedal travel before anything happens.

To be honest I would leave well alone unless your convinced there is more power, but with the power/smoke comes higher fuel consumption.

Its not really to do with rev's, its about getting more fuel in there to get a bigger bang to maintain a constant speed up a hill, because these engines just won't go fast.
Awww :( So it wont increase the overall power through all of the revs even slightly?
There's a defender one available for £800 with all the bits but I don't have £800! Boydy, what was the difference on your insurance between a 12J and a 200tdi?
Blurry hell!

OK, im with footman james, told them about my 300TDi, new axles, spot lights, stereo, braided brake lines, body conversion etc... 'cos they are all standard land rover parts, they told me that my premium didn't increase! Just got my renewal through the other day, with all the mods included, £427, and im currenly 19, and that with unlimited milage. Well impressed!

I paid £350 for my 300 tdi disco, the engine for which went in really easily, got £50 for my old engine, £50 of diesel outta the disco, and £150 scrap value back for it.

So, i paid £100 for it. Sold the side steps on it yesterday for £50, sold the alloys to a mate for a favour.

Spent £54 on a new exhaust, about £30 on some welding gas, and then a bit more on odd bits like fuel hose, coolant.

Exhaust was really easy to fit, coolant pipes all reached using a combination of 12j and tdi ones, intecooler pipes were extended one with a piece of exhaust, the other with a flexi hose.

Seriously pos, buy a 300tdi disco. Really cheap, engine goes in really easily. Could probably come help you and do the whole job in 2 or 3 days, i did mine in a yard with nothing that special either, was all done outside.

£800... You shock me! :D
That's £800 for a Defender 200tdi, not a disco one, so it would just drop straight in! I need to think about the whole thing yet anyway because I can't really afford to do a thing at the moment. If it does go ahead (and I'd be looking at a 200 not a 300), and you're willing to lend a hand at some point it would be greatly appreciated!
thats too much fer an engine pos even if it is a defender one , i got a fully recon 200tdi engine here that only cost me £750 to build ....
Yeah it is a bit steep. I'll see how my N/A performs on the run from Leeds to Ipswich this weekend. With my smaller tyres it could achieve 75, 70 coasting and happily sat at 65 without making too much racket down the motorway. That was a long haul run from Leeds to Weymouth and I managed to get 27MPG at 65/70 all the way. Now I've got bigger tyres (235x85) and I don't think it'll do 70! Just about managed 65 last night, which was close enough

It seems to be alright with it! It did it for 8 hours non stop and the tickover was fine when it stopped. I had earplugs in mind. It's a good old engine really, seems to be bullet proof.
Pos Buddy, Got My 200 Now, Fitting It Within The Next 2 Weeks, Apparently Will Be An Easyish Job, (Let You Know How It Goes :p)
Leeds To Ipswich? Why?? Just Stay In Good Olde West Yorks :p
I dunno, ive heard both sides of both stories - the 300 does in easier, and was thought through by LR a lot better, and i havn't heard many tragedy stories about WELL MAINTAINED 300's, i.e. ones that havn't been ignored and thrashed.

Besides that, i know exactly how to fit one of them now :D

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