
Well-Known Member
Evening and happy easter!

After months and months of hearing a faint whirring noise and not knowing what it was I think I have found the culprit.

I've found the PAS pump is leaking and been steadily getting worse to the point it is now leaving a fist sized puddle on the floor, so I'm guessing a new pump is in order.

First off whats best to go for? Recon or Britpart apparently OEM Genuine ? Other options are the very expensive LR OEM or Allmakes (I'd rather avoid..)

Secondly is it something I can do relatively easily at home in the garage? Roughly how long should it take? Anyone got a guide? I'll google in the meantime.

Thanks :)
Easy job. 2 hours with lashings of tea. I went OEM, the 2 year warranty and the 12 year life of the original swung it. Dont forget new fluid.
Sweet easy enough then! Hopefully the current one lasts this week as I need my 110 daily and no where even close round here sells them bar LR (which will cost at least 2 kidneys and a liver! Considering they wanted £950 for a DMF :eek:) Got loads of new fluid already for topping up! haha

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