need bulkhead first to get the measurements, then to be honest most of the rest , as am stripping the rangey now
New or used panels and what engine are you going to use as this will effect the bulkhead you need
we have a for sale/wanted section. get ya fooking self over to it..

Oh and why not just buy a rotten 110 and use that. Be cheaper in the long run.
mate if all your going to do is be a dickhead then #### off

Quote FFS ya fooking inbreed.. :rolleyes:

And as said before WE HAVE A FOR SALE and WANTED SECTION. Use the fooker for all ya wanted ads..

this is for discusiing all things defender 90/110 related. it int for advertising in. Now fook orf and do one. dip****e.
looks like the noob has been welcomed sdcltd1 stop posting have a look round see how site works and start again. By exchanging insults with the old hats your getting no where fast.
this is like being at school, it seems most people that have something to say speak **** and the people who dont say much are willing to help.

How can they help if they don't say owt.

this is a forum there are forum rules. Rules you obviously didn't bother reading. Now pick ya dummy up and take it to the forsale/wanted section.

Is any of this **** getting thru to you yet??

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