mate #### off ..who thw #### do you think you are, im no kid, and im new to this go #### your self you uneducated cock

Oi ya fookwit WLM is very well edumachated.. :mad: Yu leave him alone..

And use the Quote button FFS.. :p
Where the feck do they all come from?

Is LZ too big? It seems like most noobies to the forum are dickwads with chips on their shoulders rather than people who want to get on! It's almost as if they come here just for a fight ...
Where the feck do they all come from?

Is LZ too big? It seems like most noobies to the forum are dickwads with chips on their shoulders rather than people who want to get on! It's almost as if they come here just for a fight ...
they must have got thru the fcukwit filter somehow:confused:
ffs pikey give him a break he cant master 2 things at once hes only just learnd to read

:D Aye I keep forgetting he's from Stamford. (the Shallow end of the genepool.)

When I lived in Peterboro. you'd get the odd one coming up from stamford. You allus knew who they were tho. Stood on the corners slack jawed and drooling. Plod would have to round em up and ship back home. So they didn't end up wandering down the middle of the road. or drown in the River Nene..

Hate to go off topic. But did ya find Dafts Parcel???
:D Aye I keep forgetting he's from Stamford. (the Shallow end of the genepool.)

When I lived in Peterboro. you'd get the odd one coming up from stamford. You allus knew who they were tho. Stood on the corners slack jawed and drooling. Plod would have to round em up and ship back home. So they didn't end up wandering down the middle of the road. or drown in the River Nene..

Hate to go off topic. But did ya find Dafts Parcel???

Oh great ... we is just off to Peterborough for the new Year ... I knew it was a bit of a wasteland (visited Perkins a lot when I was in engineering) but now you're worrying me ...
:D Aye I keep forgetting he's from Stamford. (the Shallow end of the genepool.)

When I lived in Peterboro. you'd get the odd one coming up from stamford. You allus knew who they were tho. Stood on the corners slack jawed and drooling. Plod would have to round em up and ship back home. So they didn't end up wandering down the middle of the road. or drown in the River Nene..

Hate to go off topic. But did ya find Dafts Parcel???
I aint looked tbh..if rain stops may have a gander laters:beer2:
Oh great ... we is just off to Peterborough for the new Year ... I knew it was a bit of a wasteland (visited Perkins a lot when I was in engineering) but now you're worrying me ...

If ya go A1 you'll be ok as ya miss stamford.. and if ya go A15 just keep going and don't stop for owt.. :D

Peterborough was ok when it was run by development Corporation. but now council has taken full control of it. it's a ****hole DO NOT leave the motor in the town centre carpark, and keep ya wallet in a safe pocket. It really is that bad.
Heh, must be 12 years or so since I last went, certainly gone downhill, not that it was much uphill mind ...

A1 is good .. we're staying just off it with friends and family ... ;)
this is a forum there are forum rules. Rules you obviously didn't bother reading.

:eek::eek::confused::confused: Rules:confused::confused:

I mean I obviously know the rules about Bob being gay, and the other one about female noobs getting their Norks out:D:D but are there any more Im unaware of:confused:

From what I can gather, the OP has turned up here with Nowt but a rusty old chassis and wants to know if anyone Will give him the rest of the motor :confused::eek::eek::eek: Giving abuse to the forum regulars Will get you absolutely nowhere Kn**head, well apart from more abuse than you know what to do with, they is very good at it:p:p:p
Heh, must be 12 years or so since I last went, certainly gone downhill, not that it was much uphill mind ...

A1 is good .. we're staying just off it with friends and family ... ;)

I lived there for a year or so.. about 1986ish. It was ok then. Ya had to have a proper job to get a house off the PDC. Now it's become a dumping ground for the countries fookwits and losers.
:eek::eek::confused::confused: Rules:confused::confused:

I mean I obviously know the rules about Bob being gay, and the other one about female noobs getting their Norks out:D:D but are there any more Im unaware of:confused:

From what I can gather, the OP has turned up here with Nowt but a rusty old chassis and wants to know if anyone Will give him the rest of the motor :confused::eek::eek::eek: Giving abuse to the forum regulars Will get you absolutely nowhere Kn**head, well apart from more abuse than you know what to do with, they is very good at it:p:p:p

Ya didn't know the about the rule that says If ya leave ya vehicle unattended in my presence. All the shiny bits become my property :confused: :confused: Thought everyone knew that. :D

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