Considering this at the moment and thinking its not all that far and could be good dry run for my DAF weekender in Colchester later in the year. Would a youngster who with a D1 be welcome?
Considering this at the moment and thinking its not all that far and could be good dry run for my DAF weekender in Colchester later in the year. Would a youngster who with a D1 be welcome?

Youngsters are most needed to replace old gits like me who might at anytime drop off the planet. :D:D:D:D
I've not been to one of these do's before so you'll not be the only rookie. ;)
Considering this at the moment and thinking its not all that far and could be good dry run for my DAF weekender in Colchester later in the year. Would a youngster who with a D1 be welcome?

just might be bringing my 5 year old grandson, whos not been camping before..

but do tell, whats this DAF weekender in colchester you mentioned ??

we had a cracking day saturday in the Hythe Colchester, was "classics on the quay" organised by colchester kawasaki.
had classic cars, bikes, live bands, good food, lots of freebies,
and the moored up live aboards that seemingly never sail, a lovely scammell tank transporter with huge winch,
and to prove its rear axle articulation, ran one leading rear wheel up a big ramp of wood
I spoke to the young owners mrs about its "oil leaking"
I said just like landies - if its not leaking-its no oil in it..
her reply was classic - at her age (she said) it gets Incontinent,
dont we all at that age said I..laughing....
just might be bringing my 5 year old grandson, whos not been camping before..

but do tell, whats this DAF weekender in colchester you mentioned ??

Its a weekender that is now in its 5th year run by a group of DAF enthusiasts in Colchester. The format over the last few years has been. Fix up a project over the course of the weekend and a trip out. With lots of fun and banter in between. We have a lot of fun. Matt and Pete who run the event are really friendly and welcoming but if you wanted to come along you would need to ok it with them. They have set up a forum as well now which can be found here
Can you buy tickets on the day or is it best to pre buy ?

Tickets pre purchase, it gives us a massive headache if people expect to pay on the day
1) because we need to have idea of numbers
2) printed ticket required by site owners
3) affects insurance/licencing

So while a few late arrival's can be accommodated, if your coming please pay for ticket sooner rather than later. :cool:
Im going but what happens if my mate wants to go at short notice ?

Short notice is ok, preferably while you have access to a printer though so you can download and print the ticket.

We can probably get round any issues but it's much easier if we don't have to :)

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