Bushwwacker and mrs Bushwwacker
Blue Beasty +1 and Beastlet
PONTYSLAPPER + SWMBO and the likkle slappers, Em 6 & Tom 2 - both landy nuts - Glamming it oop int glamping pods as its SWMBO's 40th on weekend before.
LISTERDIESEL + Mrs Listerdiesel + D2 + Ruston Engine - weekend
Robert Forbes + Defender CSW + Family - weekend
Philip Forbes + D2 - weekend
GINGE - Weekend ticket bought
Paul D. Wife maybe, maybe an 18 and/or 21 year old child .. , but hopefully just me!
3.5efi and Marc
SteveD & Debs
Deasy for Friday night beers only and help set up if needed
Hideehi & bro
l489 owe + daughter Chloe.Hopefully. Can't confirm just yet.
Flatlander + Mrs flatlander
TD5 + mate
Livers and boss of Livers AKA the posterior
Ohitsher +1( hopefully)
Ratty (Sunday provisional
Laner and MrsL (I'm a first aider with the British Red Cross)
zen and mrs with sally or maybe brb
Disco2TD5 & mate.
Pikey & Minty.
KeepDigging (one day or the other)
lr110 + mrs lr110 an kiddys (all weekend)
DJ Xan and Just Debs.
Freddy (got a ticket and hope to get there
top-cat Friday onwards
D90Mitch + a mate (all weekend!)
ShaunLWB +1 (all weekend)
Kev1nlm + family (sat night )
Jas_williams (all weekend)
Carrington224, Mrs C and our dog Jack. (All weekend)
NeilB and Labs, Chewie and Chip. Friday to Sunday.
Could well be, need to check with Mod1, could offer a prize for whoever figures out who he is?

And a personalised ban from Mod1 if they make it public:D
Could well be, need to check with Mod1, could offer a prize for whoever figures out who he

I'll give you a hint..... watch for the fella standing the furthest possible distance away from me for the whole weekend and that'll be him :(
Bushwwacker and mrs Bushwwacker
Blue Beasty +1 and Beastlet
PONTYSLAPPER + SWMBO and the likkle slappers, Em 6 & Tom 2 - both landy nuts - Glamming it oop int glamping pods as its SWMBO's 40th on weekend before.
LISTERDIESEL + Mrs Listerdiesel + D2 + Ruston Engine - weekend
Robert Forbes + Defender CSW + Family - weekend
Philip Forbes + D2 - weekend
GINGE - Weekend ticket bought
Paul D. Wife maybe, maybe an 18 and/or 21 year old child .. , but hopefully just me!
3.5efi and Marc
SteveD & Debs
Deasy for Friday night beers only and help set up if needed
Hideehi & bro
l489 owe + daughter Chloe.Hopefully. Can't confirm just yet.
Flatlander + Mrs flatlander
TD5 + mate
Livers and boss of Livers AKA the posterior
Ohitsher +1( hopefully)
Ratty (Sunday provisional
Laner and MrsL (I'm a first aider with the British Red Cross)
zen and mrs with sally or maybe brb
Disco2TD5 & mate.
Pikey & Minty.
KeepDigging (one day or the other)
lr110 + mrs lr110 an kiddys (all weekend)
DJ Xan and Just Debs.
Freddy (got a ticket and hope to get there
top-cat Friday onwards
D90Mitch + a mate (all weekend!)
ShaunLWB +1 (all weekend)
Kev1nlm + family (sat night )
Jas_williams (all weekend)
Carrington224, Mrs C and our dog Jack. (All weekend)
NeilB and Labs, Chewie and Chip. Friday to Sunday.

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