Quite a few names on there that don't match the ticket sales though :rolleyes:

Exactly and a hog roast is planned, to ensure those who would like a hog roast there is adequate provision-we must give indication of numbers 1 month before.

Sooner people pay, sooner we can confirm further items such as a funfair etc
Quite a few names on there that don't match the ticket sales though :rolleyes:

More sales than people on the list or less?

Highlight the ones that haven't bought a ticket but who are on the list.

Still time to resolve the issue, but people need to be fair to the organisers and not just think of themselves.

I've been there and done that with our engine Forum. Organised a Forum weekend on our own land, loads of initial enthusiasm, we started paying out for water storage, refuse drums, toilets etc etc, eventually it just faded away as folks found a reason not to come. Cost use a fair bit in the end, poorer but wiser :(

More sales than people on the list or less?

Highlight the ones that haven't bought a ticket but who are on the list.

Still time to resolve the issue, but people need to be fair to the organisers and not just think of themselves.

I've been there and done that with our engine Forum. Organised a Forum weekend on our own land, loads of initial enthusiasm, we started paying out for water storage, refuse drums, toilets etc etc, eventually it just faded away as folks found a reason not to come. Cost use a fair bit in the end, poorer but wiser :(


The thing's only been up just over a month, there's still a couple of months to go yet .. some people might not be able, 'cos of work maybe, to plan that far ahead, or have finances for it.

OK, it's only £20 tops, but it isn't just that, it's fuel, food and whatever for a whole weekend and many people with families and lives can't just drop everything and lob a £20 on a 'do' without settling stuff first.

No-one _has_ to come ... it is voluntary!!

No need to 'name and shame' or highlight who says they're coming but haven't paid.

Might be better to not have a 'who's coming' thread, but a 'who's paid' thread instead?
We can see numbers not names......I agree there's absolutely no name and shaming to be done. Its a way off and if I wasn't part of the planning chances I'd not book my ticket til the end of April. ....problem is that it kind of limits some of the things we have options on supplying.

People will always have financial, work, family, health, landy related reasons why they can't attend. ....we all understand that. What I'd be really interested in hearing about is from the bods who just don't fancy it. What is it that doesn't appeal, what could it look like for you to consider coming ?

I know accy and roy have taken a financial hit in order to make it an event that can be accessed by as many members as possible. ....the most important thing in their view.......how do we appeal to those we're not already appealing to ?
5 years or so ago, 2 LZ members tried to organise a weekend do in France.
Campsite, with attached P&P was booked, discounted Ferry tickets organised etc etc.
Dozens of people were deffo going, until the date approached when one by one they started to drop out and the whole thing just fizzled, leaving the organisers out of pocket and with egg on their face.

Just saying.
Well the Pontyslapper crew will be there come hell or high water... I've stumped for ticket and a glamping pod.

Can't wait. I think I've peed me brother off as its his wedding the weekend before but I keep mentioning LZ10!!

LZ iz only 10 once... Wedding can be done over an over!
Well the Pontyslapper crew will be there come hell or high water... I've stumped for ticket and a glamping pod.

Can't wait. I think I've peed me brother off as its his wedding the weekend before but I keep mentioning LZ10!!

LZ iz only 10 once... Wedding can be done over an over!

:D also we are in contact with other clubs and organisations with a focus on charity fund raising.

Hoping that various clubs will attend;)
Not bought mine yet cause my accounts frozen but I'll thaw it out sometime soon :eek:

In my defence though I dint put my name on :p

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