I have rang nick75 and hopefully we can sort summat
He will probably be reading this over the next few days so nick...
Fook off you bum sniffing homo :D
Blue Beasty +1 and Beastlet
PONTYSLAPPER + SWMBO and the likkle slappers, Em 6 & Tom 2 - both landy nuts - Glamming it oop int glamping pods as its SWMBO's 40th on weekend before.
GINGE (heavy pencil)
Paul D. Wife maybe, maybe an 18 and/or 21 year old child .. , but hopefully just me!
3.5efi and Marc
SteveD & Debs
Deasy for Friday night beers only and help set up if needed
Hideehi & bro
l489 owe + daughter Chloe.Hopefully. Can't confirm just yet.
Flatlander + Mrs flatlander
TD5 + mate
Livers and boss of Livers AKA the posterior
Ohitsher +1( hopefully)
Ratty (Sunday provisional
Laner and MrsL (I'm a first aider with the British Red Cross)
zen and mrs with sally or maybe brb
Disco2TD5 & mate.
Pikey & Minty.
KeepDigging (one day or the other)
lr110 + mrs lr110 an kiddys (all weekend)
Blue Beasty +1 and Beastlet
PONTYSLAPPER + SWMBO and the likkle slappers, Em 6 & Tom 2 - both landy nuts - Glamming it oop int glamping pods as its SWMBO's 40th on weekend before.
GINGE (heavy pencil)
Paul D. Wife maybe, maybe an 18 and/or 21 year old child .. , but hopefully just me!
3.5efi and Marc
SteveD & Debs
Deasy for Friday night beers only and help set up if needed
Hideehi & bro
l489 owe + daughter Chloe.Hopefully. Can't confirm just yet.
Flatlander + Mrs flatlander
TD5 + mate
Livers and boss of Livers AKA the posterior
Ohitsher +1( hopefully)
Ratty (Sunday provisional
Laner and MrsL (I'm a first aider with the British Red Cross)
zen and mrs with sally or maybe brb
Disco2TD5 & mate.
Pikey & Minty.
KeepDigging (one day or the other)
lr110 + mrs lr110 an kiddys (all weekend)
Why have we disappeared again :confused:

Conspiracy lol bit like the lzir map, naively I started with access to all and then recruited beasty and barmatt as it became apparent that open access didn't work.
Just quote and re add
Conspiracy lol bit like the lzir map, naively I started with access to all and then recruited beasty and barmatt as it became apparent that open access didn't work.
Just quote and re add

It's 'cos I mentioned a certain year! :eek:

Off to get the tin foil! …


GINGE (heavy pencil)
Paul D. Wife maybe, maybe an 18 and/or 21 year old child .. , but hopefully just me![/
3.5efi and Marc
SteveD & Debs
Deasy for Friday night beers only and help set up if needed
Hideehi & bro
l489 owe + daughter Chloe.Hopefully. Can't confirm just yet.
Flatlander + Mrs flatlander
TD5 + mate
Livers and boss of Livers AKA the posterior
Ohitsher +1( hopefully)
Ratty (Sunday provisional
Laner and MrsL (I'm a first aider with the British Red Cross)

So the ginge(heavy pencil)? Is that just his shadow ...:lol: ( if it's cloudy , he'll be on 'is own .):bolt:
Blue Beasty +1 and Beastlet
PONTYSLAPPER + SWMBO and the likkle slappers, Em 6 & Tom 2 - both landy nuts - Glamming it oop int glamping pods as its SWMBO's 40th on weekend before.
GINGE (heavy pencil)
Paul D. Wife maybe, maybe an 18 and/or 21 year old child .. , but hopefully just me!
3.5efi and Marc
SteveD & Debs
Deasy for Friday night beers only and help set up if needed
Hideehi & bro
l489 owe + daughter Chloe.Hopefully. Can't confirm just yet.
Flatlander + Mrs flatlander
TD5 + mate
Livers and boss of Livers AKA the posterior
Ohitsher +1( hopefully)
Ratty (Sunday provisional
Laner and MrsL (I'm a first aider with the British Red Cross)
zen and mrs with sally or maybe brb
Disco2TD5 & mate.
Pikey & Minty.
KeepDigging (one day or the other)
lr110 + mrs lr110 an kiddys (all weekend)
DJ Xan and Just Debs.
Sorry if I'm being a bit fick here but it says camping, is that just tents and stuff or are caravans allowed too. :)
Sorry if I'm being a bit fick here but it says camping, is that just tents and stuff or are caravans allowed too. :)

Yes, you can pull a caravan onto the event field for no extra charge or if you want a leccy hookup in the caravan site over the hedge for an extra tenner
Well I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and I need to fix my caravan before event
We will be travelling up from J13 northbound of the M5 on the friday.... if anyone wants to meet up on route. :)

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