Try not to be too harsh, you guys are experts ... I'm just making it up as I go along ;)

Got some great stuff on your channel. The birds are awesome.

Somehow, I think the Quadrophenia Scooter is more apt for someone from the Brighton area than an X-Wing fighter :) Watched the build of the scooter, fantastic stuff. @Nig would be impressed.
Got some great stuff on your channel. The birds are awesome.

Somehow, I think the Quadrophenia Scooter is more apt for someone from the Brighton area than an X-Wing fighter :) Watched the build of the scooter, fantastic stuff. @Nig would be impressed.
Cheers Gel appreciate that :) Funnily enough thinking about my next project I was on ebay / facebook market place last night looking for an old Vespa with ideas on a Quadrophenia replica in mind. They are pricey though and a 1964 Li also rare. Might have to think again. Was also thinking about monkey bikes, speed boats, jet skis ... lol ... all sorts of ideas. Gotta be something cool though. The channel just started earning, not much but it all helps, the next thing has to be something that'll appeal to alot of people not just me.

Few bigger sculpture ideas coming up too. Been promising a big Dragon for ages and not started it and I got to spend an afternoon in tehmiddle of a herd of Red Deer in Scotland last year. Have some drawings and dimensions already put together for that, could be a nice one in the style of the Pegasus I did but twice the size. Had a nice idea for a big raptor plucking a fish out of water ... like kinda sculpted water splash in stainless, steampunky style fish half out of it and the bird (spread wings and extended feet) suspended mid air plucking it out of the water.

As always, a lot of ideas and not enough time! Suspect this Landy is gonna want my attention from time to time going forward too lol! Gotta say though (spoiler alert) having flown through the MOT (2nd attempt) last weekend I've already had to replace a fuel line. To be expected though I guess. Parked up for a couple of years and 23 years old. Love it though ... such a cool car, I really think a future classic though I know they aren;t everyones cup of tea.
Next time on rear brakes, slacken the adjuster first. Then after re-assembly, adjust the shoes up as required !!

Well done on getting MOT though.

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