Like checking for daylight frew the boot floor?
My first ever car, an Austin, had a problem like that. I was driving in the rain and felt a splash of water on my mush. Discovered that there was a large fibre glass patch which had de-bonded in the passenger floor, which opened like a flap valve when driving over a puddle and fell back into place afterwards. I learned how to fix car brakes with that car, after a significant failure. The petrol tank dropped several inches when I put half a tank of petrol in - all the screws had rotted out and was leaking fuel too. It was only eight years old, had no brakes, bald tyres and no road tax but a new petrol tank which I put in. One of the headlights pointed skywards after a bus backed into it. Only cost me 60 sovs and I got six months out of it before it got scrapped. (and no flippant comments about tratters being no different please).
My first ever car, an Austin, had a problem like that. I was driving in the rain and felt a splash of water on my mush. Discovered that there was a large fibre glass patch which had de-bonded in the passenger floor, which opened like a flap valve when driving over a puddle and fell back into place afterwards. I learned how to fix car brakes with that car, after a significant failure. The petrol tank dropped several inches when I put half a tank of petrol in - all the screws had rotted out and was leaking fuel too. It was only eight years old, had no brakes, bald tyres and no road tax but a new petrol tank which I put in. One of the headlights pointed skywards after a bus backed into it. Only cost me 60 sovs and I got six months out of it before it got scrapped. (and no flippant comments about tratters being no different please).
Was that the A40??
Tax disc came in post at last 😄.

Printed a few off internet 🙂


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... that I am delighted to hear that my son will at last be divorced from that awful woman he had 2 kids with and then foolishly married (at her insistence). I have marked the 17th of April on our calendar for a celebration of his freedom from the nasty deceitful, lying, grasping little trollope. :D
If it fails, I think you are permitted to drive to a place of repair - eg your independent where you are taking it for them to look at the cog box. So long as it's not a dangerous fail item. (check the rools though)
I checked the roolz a while back as there was an argument on here about it. You can drive it to a place of repair which I would argue a lot of the time is "home" as I fix most stuff. The indy wouldn't be fixing MOT stuff.

But the Brill news is IT PASSED!!!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
So no worries re any driving it around!!!!:):):):):)
They cancelled the sinking.

Yup I see its still afloat, thankfully as that would cause major pollution, ive seen the mess a few of tons of oil makes when some
dodo pumped old engine oil into the Clyde Estuary by mistake. :( The local shoreline was covered & the poor sea birds that died
but I managed to save some by taking then home & cleaning them. Mainly oyster catchers they are noisy little gits. :):)
They is nicking our clouds to replace em wiv newer ones. Clouds are used to bouce the signals around the eurf. 3g is going. Already gone in some areas. Yer need 4g capability fer future use. 5g if yer want the newer faster netwurk if available. 2g is going anorl but thas garder to get rid ov because its the backbone of the mobile infrastructure. Leaving us much laterer on.

Eye likes samsung android fones.


4g and 5g

The higher up the A number, the betterer the fone. do cheap pay monthly sims wiv calls/text/interweb fixed price. They use the 3 mobile netwurk. Not to be confused wiv 3g.

Wos app nin:

I like em too, Ive had eye phones n blackberry ect wot a palaver.
Do thay still do pre mots ??
I don't think so. It is now difficult to use the equipment as it is connected even more directly to VOSA, at the station I use, as it has recently been taken over. Plus they are busy as heck anyway. As soon as they get a reading VOSA have it too.
Normally I do my own checks and usually I get it right, or rightish. You can do all the visual tests yourself, even the tests for bearings and suspension if you Can BA to jack each corner up.
Rough brake tests can be carried out on an empty road. The only thing you really cannot do yourself is emissions, but keeping the engine in good fettle, changing filters etc helps.
I used to have a great relationship with the MOT garage to the point where if it failed they gave me a fail and pass certs at the same time, as they knew I'd fix it and do it properly.
That stopped when MOT stations got connected to Vosa by computer. Unless they simply let something go like last time with W's Pluriel they simply said "get new wiper blades". Then passed it.

Pre Mots still cost money, then you have to pay the test fee anyway. Might as well just get it tested, if it fails, get your finger out and get it fixed before the fortnight is up.

Funny thing happened today, while I was waiting, an Audi owner came in to pick up his car that had failed. He asked how much to service and repair the failure points, saying "I've got the two joint boots in the car." They said they wouldn't fit them as they hadn't supplied them and couldn't be sure they would be OK. Bloke got stroppy and ended up marching out saying he'd get the retest and service elsewhere. Which was a bit daft as they aren't expensive and would have changed the boots for nearly nothing. The owner and I grinned. He'd not get it serviced anywhere else as inexpensive. Neither of us could understand why he didn't just fit the boots himself and get them to do the rest.

Nowt as funny as folk! 🤣 🤣 🤣
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