Mum had something similar, they're shutting of the gees, 2g or 3g or summink. She got in a bit of a flap. Bruv pointed out she never uses roaming internet so i doesn't matter.. @Hippo will know am sure.
They is nicking our clouds to replace em wiv newer ones. Clouds are used to bouce the signals around the eurf. 3g is going. Already gone in some areas. Yer need 4g capability fer future use. 5g if yer want the newer faster netwurk if available. 2g is going anorl but thas garder to get rid ov because its the backbone of the mobile infrastructure. Leaving us much laterer on.

Eye likes samsung android fones.


4g and 5g

The higher up the A number, the betterer the fone. do cheap pay monthly sims wiv calls/text/interweb fixed price. They use the 3 mobile netwurk. Not to be confused wiv 3g.

Wos app nin:

Have to confess, rather dreading the MOT on the Disco 2 tomoz.
With all the rest of the poop in our lives at the mo. Don't want it biting me in the BTM.
Normally I am pretty optimistic/fatalistic....
Also don't want to be having to drive it to the Indy on Friday if it has failed. But I have to for him to diagnose it.
Although annoyingly the present MOT don't run out until the 20th. In the old days it wouldn't matter. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
I have already put the MOT test off once, don't want to get it to the point where I run out of time if it needs welding or whatever.
I think next year I may move the MOT forward i.e closer to the beginning of the year to give me more time to fix stuff, already did this once.
Do thay still do pre mots ??
Expanded that for you 😉
FL'ers have plenty to choose from :p

Also don't want to be having to drive it to the Indy on Friday if it has failed. But I have to for him to diagnose it.
If it fails, I think you are permitted to drive to a place of repair - eg your independent where you are taking it for them to look at the cog box. So long as it's not a dangerous fail item. (check the rools though)

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