1. T

    V8 idle stalling

    Hi I've just got a 93 V8 ES with an auto box, I've had a similar problem but found that my engine usually drops it's rev's and stalls when slowing and then stopped facing up a slope. Have also found that it'll drop it's revs when in reverse and stop. My rev's on idle seam to vary depending if...
  2. T

    A new axel - how much?

    well I supopse that may be worth ago, for the sake of a few quid. what sort of oil and how much is needed to top up the diff - if you know of the top of your heads. I reckon the damage may well be done though.
  3. T

    A new axel - how much?

    Is Jb weld like araldite stuff? It's been making a funny noise since it it leaked a fair nit of the oil out. Do you reckon I could seal it refill it and the noise would go. I'm not going to have ruined the diff am I?
  4. T

    A new axel - how much?

    Yeah, don't see much point not fixing it even if it then has to be sold. It's main use has been big home stuff and tip runs as we've got a new house.
  5. T

    A new axel - how much?

    Can't weld so cutting out the old diff pan isn't an option. It just seams liek a big job to do outside and just not 100% sure I could do it myself with just the o/h helping. Althougfh I'd rather do it than pay someone. It'll involve all wheels off and alsorts though won't it. £41 sounds...
  6. T

    A new axel - how much?

    I hoped to find one local, limp out in the disco dump it in the back and crawl back to the garage with it. Some how I don't think I'll be that lucky!
  7. T

    A new axel - how much?

    I think I'd rather fix and sell it on as it's not a total heap thats falling to bit's.
  8. T

    A new axel - how much?

    I'm in New MIlls, High peak. I've seen a complete axel for £85 quid on e-bay. Only problem is getting the thing, spose it'll have to be a courier, uneless there's one local.
  9. T

    A new axel - how much?

    My land rover rear axel is demised - so says the garage. They reckon £150 to fit a replacement but I'll need to find the second hand part. So how much do you reckon I can get a second hand rear axel for? It's been leaking from the diff casing appears to have rusted through. It's a 300tdi L...
  10. T

    Oil leak and now a rattling sound......

    Aaah, wish I'd known that trick earlier! Bet that would have helped when trying to do the engine oil. If the diff has run low on oil do you reckon it would make noise? Reckon I'm gonna end up with it in a garage tommorow and hope they can sort it, I've got parrots to transport on thursday...
  11. T

    Oil leak and now a rattling sound......

    Hi there my disco has been running fine but It's had an oil leak coming from the rear axel, the differential housing. It's been dripping out for about a week, it's not from one of the drain or filler plugs but from the body of the housing itself. I was going to araldite over the small hole...
  12. T

    Brake line leaking

    Thanks for the advice, The leak was quite clear so I know where it's from. Pretty sure it's just the line thats gone and not summthing more serious. Looks like I'll be pedaling to work tommorow though :(
  13. T

    Reverse lights not working

    Is post 2 refering to the same thing as in the other thread then?
  14. T

    Brake line leaking

    My master cylinder still had some fluid in but it had dropped below the min level. I passed a shop that sold brake fluid and topped it up on the way home, thought it'd be better to have some fluid in rather than to run out completly. Problem I have is taking it anywhere to get it done, my...
  15. T

    Brake line leaking

    I thought that'd be the case, driving round with iffy brakes wasn't fun even for the 30 mins I had to do it just to get home. Take it all the system will need bleeding off the line replacing and then refilling?
  16. T

    Brake line leaking

    My 300tdi has just today developed a problem with it's brakes. :mad: The warning light came on and then a little later my brakes went really soft, pedal goes to the floor (or feels like it). I can still stop but wouldn't like to do so in a hurry. I've checked the brake fluid resevoir and that...
  17. T

    Reverse lights not working

    I think this thread will help http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f8/no-reverse-lights-43307.html?highlight=Reverse+lights
  18. T

    Reverse lights not working

    I've got this problem, it's not an MOT faliure so I've not fixed it yet. However there's a thread that explains what the problem probably is, I'll try and find it for you although I'm sure someone will tell you too search! There's a wire or summit similar that needs raising up it's apparantly...
  19. T

    Law changes on veg oil?

    That was less than expected! Half the price of the black stuff. So is there a bit of a distinctive smell that comes with using it then, will I smell like a chippy? Not that I'd really care at that price, I'm driving it not behind it.
  20. T

    Law changes on veg oil?

    I've been thinking about using veg oil recently, is it significantly cheaper than diesel? It sounds like Tesco's is cheapest you can buy retail, how much is it then?