1. N

    Gearing problem

    i have the same problem with my truck, going from second to third is a major problem, (try going up a hill in 4th gear lol) i was given a suggestion from another forum, to ajust the two bias springs that hold and determ the gear stick posistion, i havent yet tried it but they have all got...
  2. N

    extra fuel tanks

    ive been looking at doing the same, im thinking of putting a 40, or 60 lt fuel tank under the drivers seat, i just need to work out exactly how to do it, and what parts, and part numbers i need. nathan
  3. N

    double shock absorber on the rear

    hi people hope your all ok, just a quick question, im just setting up my budget for the truck (what little money i have to spend on it lol :) ) i would love ome suspension but they are way way out of my price range so im looking at fitting a double yellow heavy duty britpart shock absorber set...
  4. N

    what batteries

    hi Griffdowg yes ive been looking at little pdas, etc i may sell the dvd unit on and get a pda satnav system not sure yet, would probably a:work out a little cheaper B:take very little power as well ill have a look around, if i can work out how much they are selling for, and they work out...
  5. N

    what batteries

    hey Griffdowg ive just brought a fold out dvd screen, that can have a pc attached so this will act as my sat nav, but im currenly looking at having the laptop work as the sat nav as well nathan
  6. N

    what batteries

    hi guys thanks for replying me bloody laptop broke, then my email buggered up so ive just nick me dads laptop lol, ill be running a engel fridge 37 lt (not brought yet but perfect for what i want) a 7psi pump 1 large led and 1 small led, light, and onboard pc running from 12v and missalanious...
  7. N

    what batteries

    afternoon people hope your all ok, just a quick question, im looking at buying me batteries for the landy, basic run down of the trip for those that dont know im going to africa next year, but planning on staying in places for a few days at a time so i need battery power to last. red and...
  8. N

    spot lights

    thanks griffdowg ive got this months lro someware lol i couldnt remember which one the review was in lol thanks again mate im off to spend some money lol
  9. N

    spot lights

    good after noon people, hope your all ok, just a quick question please, ive just brought 2 wipac 100w spots to go on my a-bar, and im looking for some spots to sit on my roof rack, any ideas on some good powerfull, but cheap lights thanks guys nathan
  10. N

    90 fuel tank under drivers seat

    hi guys i think nobber you have hit it right on the head, i never thought about the contamination side, i think the good old trusty universal landrover tool might be coming out soon lol (a grinder if your not sure what i ment) im definatly getting some side lockers, ive had a very nice quote...
  11. N

    90 fuel tank under drivers seat

    hi guys thanks for all helping me out with the storage, been out looking at what i have etc, what i forgot was the storage under the drivers seat, does anyone here no what 90 fuel tank i need, to put under there and how you would go about fitting it. im looking at making that my next project...
  12. N

    off road camper on a budget

    hi people, wow, i really really do owe you guys so much, your always coming out with great advice, its nice to be on a forum, where people are really patchent with the junior members, who perhaps ask to many questions (including silly ones :D ) im also very impressed with the fact that some of...
  13. N

    off road camper on a budget

    the problem i have is people i have spoken 2, say that when they stay in towns etc, they stay in hotels etc, which my budget doesnt stretch, and i need someware comfortable to sleep and cook if the weather is a little crap, and im a bit of a big fella, and this is a little bit of a struggle in...
  14. N

    off road camper on a budget

    i thought it would be, but ive found that by the time i put my gear on board, i wont have enought room to put a bed in, and i need someware i can cook, sleep if the weather is really poor, or we are in a populated area where our roof tent cant be used, so a 110 is still not comfortable.
  15. N

    off road camper on a budget

    you got yours for 4k, if you dont mind me asking, was this a private sale or a dealer (if dealer could you tell me which) thanks mate
  16. N

    off road camper on a budget

    unfortunatly im going to be traveling accross the Sahara, thats part of my trip. :( i did look at the 101, and i fell in love with it, but because diesels are so hard to find that one was rulled out, :mad: ive also looked at a 130 with workshop body, but they cost over £6500. so thats...
  17. N

    off road camper on a budget

    hi people, just a general question really, as some of you may no, from my previous post, im planning on a trip to africa next time, as im going to be staying in populated areas as well as the sticks i need an off road vehicle that i can sleep, (i dont have the funds to stay at hotels etc while...
  18. N

    interecooler in td, and tyres

    hi people, once again, you have all come up trumps with some advice, i think ill stick with the engine for now, and mabey, in the future funds will come avaliable and ill change it, i think if i just keep the oils, filters etc topped up and changed regulally this truck should last, (im...
  19. N

    interecooler in td, and tyres

    hi everyone, i hope you are all having a good weekend, im sorry bout all the questions, im a little new but i promise all your ideas and information im really learning alot. i would lilke to know, i have a 2.5td that as you know im going to go traveling in, i no i should really have, and get a...
  20. N

    side storage lockers

    hi everyone, thanks for all helping me with the above, i finally got 5 min to have a look and my god, there is so much wasted storage underneath a landrover, i could bleeding sleep under there :rolleyes:. i have definatly decided on some kind of storage for extra fuel, but im not paying out to...