1. B

    Where to fit Electric preheater TD5

    I mounted it off the heater matrix hoses.... Not the best option. it's worked to a degree but there must be a better place ? The principle seems to make sense (to me anyway) you ideally need flow into the block and out but I'm not sure where the best point is especially as it's a 16 ish mm dia...
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    Where to fit Electric preheater TD5

    It does, it's like the hot frog etc. looking at the Landy manual I think I've sorted it. Will turn it on and see ....
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    Where to fit Electric preheater TD5

    I've finally got fed up with my old in cab heating (gloves and wooly hat) and bought a 2.2kw mains electric preheated. However having spent time looking and not wanting to start chopping hoses wondered if anyone has fitted one, and where ?
  4. B

    Chassis advice :)

    Spent ages looking into this and cant help but feel that cheap isn't worth the effort. The cheapest option is probably just keeping your chassis free from mud, crap and SALT regularly until you can afford a better option, a CLEAN wet chassis wont rust that badly. I've gone down the Dinitrol...
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    Diesel heater for the landy

    Also looking at the ATO-ONE heater, has anyone tried them ?
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    Can I put windows in the back...?

    I've mounted some bucket seats facing backwards with three point harnesses, I ran the idea past a local traffic copper who couldn't see the problem (he pointed out that its actually the safest way to travel). My local MOT centre just raised the issue of ensuring they are securely mounted. -...
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    Anyone got that guilty feeling?

    When trying to fix things on my fender I often think "fu.. It" I suppose he just did
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    TD5 defender alternator SNAPPED off ?

    Bought it 2 months ago, it's had aftermarket air con fitted and I was wondering the same..... Will see how it goes back together. I've still got the vac pump attached so it does turn freely but you can't spin it as such
  9. B

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    It's reassuring to know that for everyone out enjoying their Landy theirs someone fixing one ! - replacing alternator this morning, off to work this afternoon to pay for it !
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    TD5 defender alternator SNAPPED off ?

    Yep fine, up to the point of removing it all was fine charged ok etc. Also seems strange that the support stay is missing, Not even a bolt left in situ ?
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    TD5 defender alternator SNAPPED off ?

    Just dipping into the pool of knowledge, recently replaced my aux belt and tensioner and had no problems for a few hundred miles when the squeak came back. However on inspection I've found the alternator support stay missing and the main bracket snapped off ! Before I replace any ideas why ? Or...
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    I always said I'd buy a LR when I could afford it !

    Well just like kids I've realised you can never really afford it ! I spent several years in the forces and loved the LR and have gone on and on and on ....... And finally the board of control has given the green light ! Besides being at forty a midlife crisis is due. So it's either a mistress...
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    Wolf TUl HS 300TDI Help

    You lucky lucky man, I am in the process of looking for a 90 and the Wolf is at the top of my list. However the more I look and listen the more concerns I have. Did you just buy without looking at it ? What are your plans for upgrading security ? Have you had any advice on things to...