1. B

    Will I get slaughtered for this? :D

    pics or it didnt happen :p
  2. B

    2a or 2a lightweight?

    What are the actual differences between a 2a and a 2a lightweight, barring the obvious body differences? i read the axles were shorter? I read regularly that lightweights are "uncomfortable". What makes them, if anything, worse than regular series land rovers? how different is one to my early...
  3. B

    heater matrix

    Now sounds like a time for you to throw together a scrapyard special my friend. In the past, I ran a bodged box with a cavalier heater matrix, a mk1 fiesta matrix and two random fans which i believe were originally designed to go in a PC.. Got nice and toasty in there. It even masked the...
  4. B

    Could a Peugeot XUTD be put in a Series??

    :D paul you genius :D Looking at google, the LDV pilot came with a 1.9D. LDV cityvan appears to be the 2.1.. Although our pukey's got a 1.9D and it's a great engine i'd be looking at a 1.9TD.. but it can't be that different.. What i'm going on is the fact that although these engines/gboxs may...
  5. B

    Could a Peugeot XUTD be put in a Series??

    Yeah.. 2.3/5 pug diesels.. Good engines. a turbo one'd be quite quick too.. All depends on the veg oil capability of it. I was looking at the 1.9 as I know most of them will run veg oil 100% fine and theres MILLIONS of them.. they're probably the most common diesel around at the moment. It'll...
  6. B

    Could a Peugeot XUTD be put in a Series??

    steve's site does not mention the 1.9.. and i googled before i posted.. I'd like to see if i can bolt up a '07-on landie's 6spd gearbox to a series transfer case with some economical, but reasonably powerful engine - it MUST have a bosch fuel pump though, to be capable of running vege oil.. I've...
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    Could a Peugeot XUTD be put in a Series??

    Don't ya'll shout at me now.. I know its french and newfangled and stuff... but.. I've seen enough perkins prima conversions to be doing one myself.. but.. i've always wondered, could a Peugeot XUTD 1.9 TD be fitted to a series landy? it's just.. I know where i can get one with serious power...
  8. B

    HHO...has anyone dabbled with it yet?

    Simple answer, It wouldn't.
  9. B

    HHO...has anyone dabbled with it yet?

    Hurm.. I've seen all these "water cells" and stuff. there are commercially produced hydrogen/browns gas producers. They claim massive fuel economy benefits.. but look like they were made of sandwich boxes. Working in alternative fuel research, I keep tabs on these technologies. In my opinion...
  10. B

    Series 3 for 11K !!

    JEEEEZ £11,000??? Well, I'm in the process of doing something similar to my S3, using a prima 2.0 turbo engine. But £11k and no o/d or pair'o'bollix? Someone's having a laugh. Wouldn't even pay £11k for a defender or rangie let alone a S3. I have most of the parts...
  11. B

    the similarities between Series3/90/Defender, Custom build?

    thankyou sahs, some useful info :) basically my position is this, the S3 needs some parts replacing, and i'll fit an upgrade part, be it aftermarket or later model OEM sooner than bolting on a standard part - It'll probably not be too much work extra - improve it as i go on :D EDIT: just...
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    the similarities between Series3/90/Defender, Custom build?

    tsk. you think you're funny but you're not.
  13. B

    the similarities between Series3/90/Defender, Custom build?

    there wont be a prob with the exemption. dont want to change the whole axle, just heard it was possible to change the ends.
  14. B

    the similarities between Series3/90/Defender, Custom build?

    I have the series, it was cheap, it's otherwise in fantastic condition, and it's cheaper to own/run than a 90 or defender. If we're talking huge amounts of work for any particular parts, i won't do it, i'm just after making it a bit better than it is. as i said above, i like modifying stuff...
  15. B

    the similarities between Series3/90/Defender, Custom build?

    Hmm. I've got a pretty nice Series 3 SWB diesel (van, if you can call a landie that) with a dead engine, and a heavily worn interior, but really, really solid and sweet otherwise. It's a really early (1972) example. Was just watching Mark Evans' "A 4x4 Is Born" DVD (for the xtieth time -...
  16. B

    2 1/4 P unleaded or not

    I'm about to put a new engine in my S3. I asked a very similar question. Which would be the best diesel. People on here say go prima turbo conversion. This makes sense as it is a popular conversion - 30mpg+. They can also be modifed, up to around the 130bhp mark. They're reliable and powerful...
  17. B

    Thick or what?

    mine was better :p
  18. B

    Best diesel conversion for a SIII?

    I've never heard of the PSA XUTD being fitted. could be quite good though. Now i have heard of PSA's larger 2.3 and 2.5 d's going in, from the bigger van range. The Perkins Prima 2.0 N/A lump is not recommended for a swap with a landie, so i presume the N/A 1.9 XUD would also not be recommended...
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    so hot its - on fire!!!

    as soon as i looked at the component i thought "flasher relay" I hate gits who do MAD wiring stuff to cars then sell it without updated documentation. I've been fixing up cars for me and sale for years now, started on hot hatches like XR2s, etc, moved on to rangie classics and vintage cars. I...
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    Best diesel conversion for a SIII?

    Yeah, we used to tow a huge, heavy, 19foot fully loaded twin axle caravan (which me and my dad built into a palace) with our montego TD (countryman 7st), With two trial bikes on a rack on the back (a 250 and a 400cc), three large dogs inside the car, and four large people, with enough stuff to...