1. F

    Freelander 1 Drop links fitted correctly?

    Well fittted my drop links as advised in the pics in this thread and in one week there broke they rub against the bottom of hub mount . After a bit more research I've ordered a new set and will be fitting them the correct way. Thanks
  2. F

    green lanes and off roading.

    Ok so I know I'm gunna get a load of stick for this but I don't care. I own a freelander and want to go green lanein. Or maybe just a little off roading. Is there anywhere in the forest of Dean I can go. Not to clever with maps at moment so any help would be appreciated.
  3. F

    Freelander rear window not operational.

    I have same problem on my hippo. I have no power to motor and all fuses R good. So gunna ave a check of the cables over the weekend.
  4. F

    fuel round injectors

    Haveing problems with starting my 03 td4. Changed crank breather and found that at the base of the injectors had fuel round them. I cleaned it up and checked it the next day. And was there again. Looks like its leaking from the join where fuel pipe goes on to injector. Is there a seal that might...
  5. F

    radio code.

    Thank you for your help people
  6. F

    new freelander owner

    Hay everyone im new to the 4x4 scene. I've just bought a 2003 freelander td4. And very happy with it. Just one problem is radio don't work as no code for it. Any help much apresheated.
  7. F

    radio code.

    Ok thank you for the advice.
  8. F

    radio code.

    Can someone please help me. Just bought a freelander but no code for radio. S,n m029736 its a Visteon 6500. Many thanks