1. N

    Green lanes near telford?

    Hey guys, thanks for the space but I'm not going to get out this weekend - keep me posted when you're out again. Looking forward to seeing the pics!!
  2. N

    Green lanes near telford?

    Cheers for sorting today out Jacob, a great run out and it was good to meet you all, hope you found those last few okay!!
  3. N

    SWB re-chassis

    Looks like you've got a big job on there! I picked up a series 3 as a project earlier in the year, and got as far as stripping it down but got impatient and found a better. Ne that was still on the road! Daydreaming of picking up a new chassis for the project - lots of holes and weak points on...
  4. N

    Please wear your seatbelt!!!!

    Hahahaha that's brilliant!
  5. N

    Green lanes near telford?

    Alc, no worries, thanks for the place :D Jacob, 10am works for me!
  6. N

    Green lanes near telford?

    Hi guys, sounds like you've got a good day out there! Room for one more?!? :D
  7. N

    Green laning in South Staffs/ Shropshire....

    Hey Guys, im sorry but im not going to be able to get out this weekend, having to go away for some family stuff , have a great time - looking forward to the pics :D
  8. N

    Green laning in South Staffs/ Shropshire....

    How did you get on sourcing the spares Jacob?? I've managed to sort the handbrake and clutch issues out so should be good to come out and play!! I don't know if anyone has a preferred day but I can only do Sunday...
  9. N

    Hi to all!!!

  10. N

    At last !

    Hola! I Like the pic, looks fun :-D
  11. N

    Green laning in South Staffs/ Shropshire....

    I can keep Sunday clear no worries - where abouts are you both coming from? Haigy, what d'ya reckon??
  12. N

    Green laning in South Staffs/ Shropshire....

    Sounds like a plan - will be my first time so will have to be gentle (snigger snigger) had a look through some older posts about kit and bits and I don't have anything other than a jetfoil for keeping the brews flowing and loads of enthusiasm... Any recommendations?
  13. N

    Green laning in South Staffs/ Shropshire....

    Defo still keen! Have you got much work to do before you're good to go??
  14. N

    Hi from the West Midlands!!

    Sounds like a might fine way to spend the weekend! Defo give me a shout next time if you don't mind!! :D
  15. N

    Hi from the West Midlands!!

    owch - that cuts deep! :D where did you get to? Defo the weather for it, spent most of the weekend prepping the project (need to hide it at work for a while) and generally getting to grips with driving the new one!
  16. N

    Hi Bump, Saw on on of the threads you were talking about the mount you've got for your stereo...

    Hi Bump, Saw on on of the threads you were talking about the mount you've got for your stereo - if I pm you my email address would you mind sending a couple of pics... Looking for inspriation! Ta, Nick
  17. N

    hello from toms3!

    Howdy - good luck to you both! what condition is it in??
  18. N

    Green laning in South Staffs/ Shropshire....

    Jacob, sounds great! looks like a plan could be forming...
  19. N

    Green laning in South Staffs/ Shropshire....

    Cheers Storm, looking for something a bit closer to home to start with, just getting used it on the roads is taking a bit if time!! :D
  20. N

    Hi from the West Midlands!!

    Got me a Series 3 pick up - just can't wait to get out in it now! Is anyone out at the weekend that would be happy to have me tag along?!?