
New Member
Now then! Newly purchased S3 is sat on the drive and is just begging for a trip down some lanes.... But being something of a noob to the Landy game I could do with tagging along with a few of you that know what you're doing....

So come on, don't all rush at once, but I know you're out there!!


I believe theres a trip for yamyams to Strata in july, poss august. Try MarkL, he's on it.
Cheers Storm, looking for something a bit closer to home to start with, just getting used it on the roads is taking a bit if time!! :D
Will be back from Isle of Man TT on Monday. Know loads of lanes in your area. Will give you a shout regarding a day out laning.
Jacob is there many lanes round stafford way if so give us a shout and il com with if thats ok with you
Sorry Haigy I know nothing of Stafford area. Nick I will fix my car and get back to you if you are still interested.
Sounds like a plan - will be my first time so will have to be gentle (snigger snigger) had a look through some older posts about kit and bits and I don't have anything other than a jetfoil for keeping the brews flowing and loads of enthusiasm... Any recommendations?
Haigy you are welcome to tag along but Wombourne is a decent drive from Crewe. Nick, I wouldn't worry about getting any kit as the lanes between Wombourne and Bridgnorth are flat and not too taxing. Off road tyres would be favorable but not a must. The more challenging lanes are a bit further away. I have loads of work to do to car but only changing rear wheel bearings is essential. I am hoping to get time to fix them this Saturday and might be ready for this Sunday morn. If not it would be next week end. Let me know your availability.
I'll be coming from Dudley area. Little Blue you are welcome but be warned the lanes are more like lames. Think that will be enough going though as lanes are short and we don't want to upset the locals.
Sorry Gents, going to have to postpone till next week end. Just got wheel off and opened Pandoras box. Disc shield has come adrift and taken out wheel balance weights, disc, caliper, pads and brake pipe. Have sourced some used spares but won't get them till Monday. Humble apologies. Let me know please who will still be going and I'll sort out a route today
Have sorted a route out of about 10 easy lanes from Wombourne to Bridgnorth and a few more difficult ones a bit further on if you are up for them. Will work on car mid week to ensure it's fixed.

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