1. bacon1991

    Can anyone here repair this front panel

    I wish mine looked like yours before i repaired mine. That is Very Very Very minimal corrosion unlike what mine was lol. Here is what mine looked like:
  2. bacon1991

    Respray on my series 3

    Here's something I found whilst i was grinding the back paint off. Forgot to put this piccy up before, its where the dust from when been grinding the paint dust has stuck onto a Fairy sticker that must have been there at some point
  3. bacon1991

    Respray on my series 3

    It always looks better with a bit of Character mate haha, Im using panel wipe to get the nitromorse residue off, thanks for the concern though.:cool2:
  4. bacon1991

    Respray on my series 3

    Ahhhhh, sorry James i did not see your post my mistake. What do you mean by old paint? because its all new paint just a bit confused :confused:.
  5. bacon1991

    Respray on my series 3

    Thanks for all your replies but still unsure what it could be. Its not cellulose, it's vehicle military paint from ebay. Oil isn't getting past the rings and also i have a water trap coming off the compressor so i don't think its water. I will have a good look around on the internet see what it...
  6. bacon1991

    Hopefully a Rolling Restoration

    i bought my landy from the same bloke you did :)
  7. bacon1991

    Respray on my series 3

    Ive had some sort of reaction on the top of my wing dont know what happend but here it is :(
  8. bacon1991

    Respray on my series 3

    Ive had some sort of reaction on the top of my wing dont know what happend but here it is :(
  9. bacon1991

    Respray on my series 3

    Been busy with other stuff so aint been able to do much as would of liked but here is where i am at atm.
  10. bacon1991

    Respray on my series 3

    Because the paint was sh*gged and was already bare metal in some places so i thought it would be easier to stip all paint off it :)
  11. bacon1991

    Clutch noise

    Realese bearing may be on its way out or already seized up.
  12. bacon1991

    Respray on my series 3

    Yes mate i do have a grit gun but would take way too long and be an expensive and messy job i will be saving the grit gun for my wheels :)
  13. bacon1991

    newby....Hi all

    Welcome mate :)
  14. bacon1991

    Hello, is there a cure for my Land Rover Fettish?

    No cure mate, landys will be all think about now :D
  15. bacon1991

    Respray on my series 3

    Roof off with many bolts snapped, what a nightmare it was. Lets see what this roof has in store for me..... Oooof thats alot of grinding looks like its been sat in a pond for years on end with all that algee
  16. bacon1991

    Respray on my series 3

    First coat of paint I apologize for the blurriness on this pic im using an iphone but cant tell untill i upload the bugger.
  17. bacon1991

    Respray on my series 3

    Primed up the bulkhead, i used a Halfords rattle can for this as i hadn't any normal primer still did the job tho :)
  18. bacon1991

    Respray on my series 3

    Now, to tackle the bulkhead i couldn't get in with the grinder as you can see i tried but failed miserably hehe. so a lot of sanding down and B&Q's own paint stripper which by the way is SH*T only used this as ran out of nitromorse :( took way too long haha
  19. bacon1991

    Respray on my series 3

    Will be Marra just been busy will get some on tonight :)