1. S

    Problem with my Disco 2 TDI engine

    Thank You Guy's ..I'm Going To try It and will let you know about the result! Thanks Again
  2. S

    Problem with my Disco 2 TDI engine

    Hello guy's, I'm sherveen and i own a Land Rover Disco 2 of year 97 Mauritius Island, Indian Ocan I'm actually facing a problem with the disco 2 engine as while the engine is turned on, The whole car trembles continuously when in neutral or even when the engine goes over 80...
  3. S

    Can someone help me(Turning off engine Problem)

    Hello Guys, Please can someone help me with your advice as i'm having a problem with the ignition.. while turning off the key, The engine remains on while everything on the dash board are off. It happened from time to time! The first time it has happened it was that my wife turned the key...