
New Member
Hello guy's,

I'm sherveen and i own a Land Rover Disco 2 of year 97
Mauritius Island, Indian Ocan

I'm actually facing a problem with the disco 2 engine as while the engine is turned on, The whole car trembles continuously when in neutral or even when the engine goes over 80 Km/h..(when the vehicule trembles...the gear shift shakes from left to right)

3 days ago I accidentally filled up the tank with some Fuel(Diesel) which was found in Gallon since 1 year in my store but after having emptied the gallon I've noticed that there was lot of dirt in.

The engine was ok for 2 days but on the 3rd day when i Turned on the engine ...It was like the engine was trembling and there was no revolution while I was accelerating then 20 minutes later It was better and returned to normal state

I changed the Fuel Filter but even though after that, the engine continues to tremble and I cant go over 80 Km/h
Please, how may I Remedy

Do you think that the Motor support is affected or is the engine is still affected by the dirt? How may I clean It ..
In my country there are no mechanics specialist in Land Rovers

Thank You In advance for your support Dudes
Fill up with NEW clean pump diesel and add 2 litres of petrol to the fuel tank - the clean diesel and petrol will clean out your fuel system - let us know how it goes ;)
Sounds like one of your cylinders is not firing.

If you start her up and then crack off each of the injectors, one at a time, when you find the one that isn't working there will be no difference in the running.

That should isolate where the problem area is.

The next thing to do would be to remove the HP pipe between the pump and the injector, and have the fuel collected in a glass container. You might see some particles in there, but maybe not!

Once you have run the engine this way for a couple of minutes, reconnect the pipe to the injector, and hopefully, it will have cleared the system out.

If that doesn't work, all I can suggest is that you remove the faulty injector and tale it to any diesel workshop where they should be able to service it for you.

Hope this helps.

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