1. M

    Greenlaning nr Guildford?

    Ha ha!! Mmm...V8 though...that's gonna be fun! Let me know if you need any help with it....love getting my hands dirty with some tinkering! I think you should bring the rangey out next time though!! :D
  2. M

    Greenlaning nr Guildford?

    Thanks Steve. Really shame about your bar!! I'm surprised none of us saw it there!!
  3. M

    Greenlaning nr Guildford?

    Guess we'll just have to go back and get it! :D:D:D
  4. M

    Greenlaning nr Guildford?

    Hey guys, I've messaged you all with the link for the pictures from Sunday. Hopefully you've got it, if not, let me know and I'll try again! Sorry to hear about your Torque wrench Steve! I can't recall where it went either!
  5. M

    Greenlaning nr Guildford?

    That's one dirty landy!
  6. M

    Greenlaning nr Guildford?

    I've hopefully got some cover Saturday night so can come too!
  7. M

    Greenlaning nr Guildford?

    Great video!! Well done Locky!! Love the wheely at 2m26!! Great snap shoot as well just after as you stop! 18m40 looks good to with Em's landy peering through and coming down!!
  8. M

    Greenlaning nr Guildford?

    Amazing isn't it Locky! Well done for today. Can't be easy to find and prove those lanes you found. Enjoyed my first day out today!
  9. M

    Greenlaning nr Guildford?

    Couple of vids I took today on the phone. Excuse the 2nd video....I failed to stop recording before putting it back in my pocket!! DOH! Laning Vids Photos by mattonline | Photobucket
  10. M

    Greenlaning nr Guildford?

    Good day out today!! Well done Locky for organising and navigating! Looking forward to next time! Would have been good though to have seen that other Landy make it up that chalk slope though!