I'm away this weekend but am home sun afternoon, aiming to get drunk on Sunday night but if there is a little outing I'll join, I'm not a light weight when it comes to hangovers (like someone we all know... ;) ) or could do something next Sunday?
I'm away this weekend but am home sun afternoon, aiming to get drunk on Sunday night but if there is a little outing I'll join, I'm not a light weight when it comes to hangovers (like someone we all know... ;) ) or could do something next Sunday?


I feel a drinking challenge coming on ;)

In fact, I think we should definitely plan an overnighter at some point this summer :) campfire, beer, summer evening :):)
Well i got my winch back on after aquiring a new solenoid, decided to mount said solenoid on the inner wing nice and high to avoid it getting wet again, had to make some extended leads from some old jump leads i had, luckily i had drawn a diagram of where all the wires went so it was just running the wires up th the solenoid that was tricky, but to my amazment it worked first time, it now winches in and out lol, as it only winched in before, im pretty chuffed lol, might treat it to one of those new fangled ropes as the steel cable is a bit rusty, can u weld the frayed strands on those steel cables ?
Well I have half a good route, and half a kinder surprise route, need to sit down and find out if second half are open so will have a nose, we're on a path finding mission :D

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