1. S

    Fitting a Double Dinn GPS/DVD into dash

    I finally got round to fitting my reverse cam yesterday. After a lot of headscratching with the back panel I sussed it all out, connected the cam to the reverse light, routed the AV cable through and fired it up. At the same time I decided to put the tailgate window down (for reasons I cant...
  2. S

    Fitting a Double Dinn GPS/DVD into dash

    Excellent post, thanks. I've fitted my head unit and got most of it working thanks to the advice in the thread but I have a couple of questions if anyone can help. 1) I have a wire from the head unit marked "reverse camera" which I presume has to connect to something in the loom when reverse...
  3. S

    Hello LandyZone.

    I'm already glad I joined :) I know I haven't bought myself a get out of snow free card but I stand a better chance of getting home over the hill than I did in an mx5! Good point about the winter tyres, will look into that.
  4. S

    Hello LandyZone.

    Hi. Mainly what I'm going to do is get from A to B and not be stuck fitting snow socks all winter like I was in the Mazda. It's quite hilly and rural when I live / work. Don't worry too much about my driving (unless you live near me in which case I can always find you), I've raced at a couple of...
  5. S

    Hello LandyZone.

    Hi, I'm Rob, I live in North Manchester and I've just bought myself a 2005 Freelander Adventurer. I'd never set foot in any kind of Land Rover until a few weeks ago but have been converted. It's a step up (literally) from the MX5 I had previously and I'm looking forward to winter now! My first...