Mad! ...but a bit sad.....

    I would want my spare to match the other rims!
  2. KSLB

    Handbrake wiring issue?

    Sounds like a great security device!
  3. KSLB

    TD5 Rear seat conversion

    I have seen pics of what you are describing on this forum so your answers here somewhere.
  4. KSLB

    another one taking the pi55

    Honestly what would you value it at? I am fairly new to the LR's and I would have thought about £2800 but I could be way off the mark.
  5. KSLB

    Been told I have to sell a car!

    Sound just fine to me but I must admit I am hankering after a V8.
  6. KSLB

    Been told I have to sell a car!

    Here is a quick pic of my rice rocket. Sorry it's a mess of a pic tried to crop out the number plate and am on the phone so no great tools to make it easy.
  7. KSLB

    Been told I have to sell a car!

    Love the rice rockets! My summer car is a MKiv Supra, a few subtle mods and it is just shy of 600bhp which is plenty for me.
  8. KSLB

    Trolley jack

    I have had a halfords one for many years also, never let me down.
  9. KSLB

    Been told I have to sell a car!

    Yep an old SE5a Essex v6, ongoing project. The blue tarps are just to hide the crap, nothing interesting behind them I am afraid. Can't sell the boat as it is not mine. All I was looking for was a few ideas about how to justify keeping it if I have offended anyone by posting my dilemma...
  10. KSLB

    Been told I have to sell a car!

    Apart from the divorce bit great advice, it's pretty much what I have been doing for the past 3 months just not sure how long it will remain effective. I think once winter is well and truly over I can suggest waiting until the beginning of next winter as it will be easier to sell then?
  11. KSLB

    Been told I have to sell a car!

    Wife would be happy if I gave it away! The problem is I like tinkering with it, mechanically it is spot on and I spend many hours cleaning the engine bay and generally mucking about with it so really want it to stay at home. I need to take up a new hobby and say I need it for that, whatever...
  12. KSLB

    Been told I have to sell a car!

    Not all mine, wife has winter car and summer car as do I, also have a long term project car and a van for work, the old Hilux makes 7 but I have had it for so long and it wouldn't fetch much so not really worth selling and if one of our winter motors plays up it is handy as a spare. Well that's...
  13. KSLB

    Been told I have to sell a car!

    Can't afford that! Unfortunately not, the wife wears them! Tw@t!
  14. KSLB

    Been told I have to sell a car!

    My lovely wife has told me its time for one to go :( I have tried explaining that if I want to go into town shopping that the Defender doesn't fit in the car parks so I need the Hilux as well but it's not working! Any ideas on a good reason to keep the Hilux? We are up to 7 cars now and...
  15. KSLB

    Banging when driving

    When I saw the title I was going to say that is very irresponsible and dangerous and whilst being fun should be discouraged! But then I read the text and would agree with some comments, it sounds like UJ on prop.
  16. KSLB

    101 why?

    What word do you hear?
  17. KSLB

    101 why?

    Love it, want one, but as said already don't know what I would use it for. When I think of something I will get one...... Thinking....... Nope nothing.
  18. KSLB

    escaped from the circus?

    It's like a freelander....... Needs burning!
  19. KSLB

    Question to all Defender drivers!

    18yrs I am a selfish and reckless driver and I use my Defender for intimidating other drivers, used to have a small hot hatch and got fed up with people not getting out of my way so got a Defender to give them a nudge if necessary. People now get out of my way and give me the space I want...
  20. KSLB

    best defender 90 for 6000k

    TD5 for that money.