Feckin jesus christ... they aint like shoes or coats ya know... :rolleyes: winter and summer cars FFS. (winter car plays up use the feckin summer one) :rolleyes: Im stayin away from this thread from now on cos that is the most stupidest and slightly arrogant thing ive ever heard...:mad:

If he wants seven cars, good luck to him. Stop being such an Eco-Stalin Minty.

As for which one to get rid of, just tell her you're 'thinking about it' and then carry on 'thinking about it' for the next twenty to thirty years. Whenever she re-visits the question, steer the subject towards something that irritates her. Soon, she will come to associate the question itself with discomfort and stop asking. Either that, or she'll divorce you. Heads - you win, tails - you win.
If he wants seven cars, good luck to him. Stop being such an Eco-Stalin Minty.

As for which one to get rid of, just tell her you're 'thinking about it' and then carry on 'thinking about it' for the next twenty to thirty years. Whenever she re-visits the question, steer the subject towards something that irritates her. Soon, she will come to associate the question itself with discomfort and stop asking. Either that, or she'll divorce you. Heads - you win, tails - you win.

Apart from the divorce bit great advice, it's pretty much what I have been doing for the past 3 months just not sure how long it will remain effective. I think once winter is well and truly over I can suggest waiting until the beginning of next winter as it will be easier to sell then?
Feckin jesus christ... they aint like shoes or coats ya know... :rolleyes: winter and summer cars FFS. (winter car plays up use the feckin summer one) :rolleyes: Im stayin away from this thread from now on cos that is the most stupidest and slightly arrogant thing ive ever heard...:mad:

And exactly how many pairs of shoes does anyone need? A black pair for weddings, christenings, funerals and job interviews; a pair of trainers for everyday use and a pair boots for working.

As for the OP's dilemma; it is a bit extravagant - why on earth does your wife need a Summer and Winter car?
And exactly how many pairs of shoes does anyone need? A black pair for weddings, christenings, funerals and job interviews; a pair of trainers for everyday use and a pair boots for working.

As for the OP's dilemma; it is a bit extravagant - why on earth does your wife need a Summer and Winter car?

Exactly, bloody selfish me me me bitch. :D
I would say I sold it to a mate but he only paid a deposit and in a years time say f'it am keeping it cause he ****in around.

Or get another car to prove a point to her! I would also kit the barn out with a bed and a micro incase she didn't take the second point to well.
Yiv gotten ower much bawbees bud, fa maks a' the money in your hoose ??? An' fin yi wurk that oot, set yer store an' dinna budge. If yer misses maks mare thin you then yer fate is sealt. Excuse use of the Doric dialect, fair miss it !!!
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Yiv gotten ower much bawbees bud, fa maks a' the money in your hoose ??? An' fin yi wurk that oot, set yer store an' dinna budge. If yer misses maks mare thin you then yer fate is sealt.

Aye...KSLB...say what the fook you like to her in foreign garbage you will be fine ;) :p :D:D:D
What about a nice Russian or polish buy-a-bride heard there pretty cheap and well trained on delivery ?

Very nice garage think you should sell that to me lol

Get rid of the boat ?
Is that a Jaguar 420G or MK 10 in the background? Only have a small screen so can not see too well, just looks like the side profile of one.
Put a list of ya 7 cars wiv pics, and one of the wife, then it will be easier :D:D

Can she bake a good cake?

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