1. R

    Looks like I've done it again, Doh!!!

    great news! well done with all the excellent prep work!!!
  2. R


    have to say the above description is how diesels work wammers has described it perfectly, not trying to butt in, maf signal does have a bearing on fuel input,but its really there to measure the amount of air going in
  3. R

    1.8 coolant

    thats somewhat as i was expecting! Thanks muchly, it how i worked it out but then saw the mgf system, and thought I had it wrong, lovely neat installation that, and anyone know the top hose diameter? i..found a t piece i think will work if it fits the top hose bore, if not its down to welding...
  4. R

    1.8 coolant

    Hey thanks for that,did see a similar one but it siad cut most of the pipes off so ignored it lol can see now that i do need a t pice for the top hose to bypass, damnit lol
  5. R

    1.8 coolant

    yep thats the one i got!
  6. R

    1.8 coolant

    well the kit was expensive i thought and i got the prt for 15, so thought i could make up some suitable hoses, however as I didnt even bother looking at how to fit it, just assumed soemone would have done it i didnt look until it got here , doh!
  7. R

    1.8 coolant

    everytime i think i hove foundit turns out to be an mgf!! or an elise, let you know how to if i find it , may just make up my own at this rate, got the basic theory flow worked out now , but putting it into practice wil take some careful thought i dont want to blow the new gasket by getting it...
  8. R

    1.8 coolant

    lol been searching since i posted and still not found a definetive answer, it appears it goes in the main (top hose) from engine to rad,and i think the other one goes to heater pipe however there is some mention of a t piece, but i think thats for the mg tf, still checking
  9. R

    1.8 coolant

    ok PRT thermostat has finally got here lol just need to find out how it fits, going to search for a how to now car appears to be ok so far having never owned a freelander before only rangerovers, was pleasantly surprised how comfortable it is nothing seems to faze it being tracks or rivers and...
  10. R

    Looks like I've done it again, Doh!!!

    just been back and reread the whole post,for the amount of work required, I think you have doen a stonking job! and even if it gets to 600 you still gonna have a cheap 4x4,if you keep it and run it for 2 years,that (minus the insurance and tax) still only stands you in at 40 pounds a month...
  11. R

    1.8 coolant

    phew!! sooo glad you told me that! ok will keep an eye on it, but if its normal thats ok, yeh pretty pleased with the price outcome,problem is swmbo is used to driving the mitsubishi which has square ends of wings you can see, lol she cant yet get the edges of the car in her head, I was near...
  12. R

    1.8 coolant

    Gah!!! checked it this morning no overheating no coolant loss but there was air in the heater pipe? rebled it,but kinda worried it may point to a further problem,? just for fun i added up the total cost so far, including purchase it now owes me the grand total of 448euro,s but i havent mot,d...
  13. R

    1.8 coolant

    lol how strange thats exactly what i did, could not get the belt tension to where i thought it was tight enough on the long side so i put a spanner on exhaust cam and gently turned it back till tbe belt hooked up then as you say turned it back put the rest of the belt on and tensioned it,when i...
  14. R

    Looks like I've done it again, Doh!!!

    lol long as the welds are strong! function over beauty as i often tell the wife!! looks like you dont clean the surface to be welded? just start welding,it always pays to get some clean metal to weld to,makes it a lot neater
  15. R

    surprised this is empty

    As i know loads of brits here who have one? usually parked up lol
  16. R

    1.8 coolant

    well its all done, used the polymer gasket, after a hiccup getting the right sized rotor arm,put it all back together as i thought it should, now dont shout at me for this, but i didnt lock the crank or the cams,used no special tools at all, just my god knows how many years of playing with...
  17. R

    Looks like I've done it again, Doh!!!

    quick tip! if you weld somewhere like that, whilst its still hot but not extremely lol spray the weld with wd40 or 3 in 1 or duck oil have even used engine oil! the oil will soak into the weld and surrounding area,next time you look no rust! it just stay the same as it is now,ive done this on...
  18. R

    1.8 coolant

    lol thats what i intended to do!
  19. R

    1.8 coolant

    housing is there, will make a reducer ring then thanks for the info!