1. P

    Final price drops before it goes to the scrappy

    But I could use one quite happily just to get it airborne and then secure with axle stands - I'll be happy with that. Can you let me know your address or phone number i'll pick it up this weekend if youre about.
  2. P

    Final price drops before it goes to the scrappy

    By "screw jacks" do you mean scissor jacks? I have no jack for my defender, and i've never seen an original part so excuse what might sound like a stupid question. And whereabouts in Cumbria are you? Anywhere near Ambleside for picking up rather than posting?
  3. P

    Hello from new member

    Same direction? All four? Where do I get that done? Actually it is pretty sound - some guy stuck new bits of metal on it last year and tightened up some bits underneath that increased my ability to influence the direction it takes. I'm not very mechanically minded myself so I live in fear of a...
  4. P

    Hello from new member

    Cheers all. Do I know what I'm letting myself in for? Well, providing you aren't expecting that I'll wash it, care for it, or anything not related to the MOT I'm up for Anything! Lashed out 39p on an almost completely unnecessary stoplight lens only last month so not thinking about further...
  5. P

    Hello from new member

    Hi everyone, I just joined. I've got a "tired" 90 pickup, about 25 years old (the landy, not me). It's seen a fair bit of life including Welsh farms before serving as a bike lift in various forests. Apart from the engine, gearbox and bodywork it's in good condition. Photo demonstrates the love...