1. kvnsmth

    defender td5 fob problems could be imobilser

    not got round to this due to fiat 500 alternator packing in , whata bugger to work on , will get to it next weekend when i get back fro holiday, got to get the fiat sorted , will repport back once have had a look
  2. kvnsmth

    SOLVED: TD5 starting probs (at whits end)

    was going to say you could borrow my nanaocom and try reading any faullts or use it while running the motor to see if theres any issues with the injectors or imobiliser but your a tad far for me to bring it to you
  3. kvnsmth

    defender td5 fob problems could be imobilser

    thanks will give this ago when i redo the imobiliser with the nanaocom tomorrow
  4. kvnsmth

    defender td5 fob problems could be imobilser

    battery went tits up on both, typical couldnt have been one, red light flashing on dash so i took it to be batterys, could be mobiliser fault? anyway changed batterys still red light flashing cant do squat with it, used nanaocom turned off imobiliser for now (glad i never flogged it now) so how...
  5. kvnsmth

    Disco 2 Rear Ace Pipes

    might have been lucky, had another look tonight and re bled the system with nanocom with engine off, must have been air in the system as at least half the fluid in the res went and it started swirung again on restart of engine, bled it 3 times with engine on and off so may have been lucky
  6. kvnsmth

    Disco 2 Rear Ace Pipes

    done my rear pipes few weeks back all seemed well bled it with nanaocom , but then next day seen fluid around the passenger side near the compressor, so not had a look yet have noticed its not swirling round in the pot anymore though and it was just after doing them, also after refilling the...
  7. kvnsmth

    Highest Mileage TD5 Engine?

    defender td5 276000 on the clock second owner bought at 120000 guy said he had changed clutch at 80000 , since then had another clutch at 240000 two drive shafts and the usual wear and tare items brakes tyres light bulbs, maff sensor , injector harness , pump whines a bit on start up no and...
  8. kvnsmth

    L322 2003 L322 Air Suspension Inactive

    also check your Tyre pressure had this and one tyres was slightly down due to a slow puncture
  9. kvnsmth

    Welding required

    only reason i ask, is my son has just qualified as a welder, and has all the kit, and we are moving to Northampton area and will have a garage and he may help you out for cheap and the practice, but i take no responsibilitie if he frys your car , if its not to much for him to do that is
  10. kvnsmth

    Welding required

    pictures of the areas? or a list may help
  11. kvnsmth


    i used one similar to this on mine, was worth the 60 quid (this ones 37) puled out the dent out of the bonnet in 20 mins bit of ****ing about with an old bit of metal to get used to it first mind...
  12. kvnsmth

    First time owner

    had a 5 year old l322 with a straight 6 eight years ago turned into a money pit had turbo go gearbox give up, air compressor do one 80000 on clock flrsh got rid when second turbo started to whine a little bit and bought a defender you may be lucky but if not hope you have deep pockets or a good...
  13. kvnsmth

    Freelander 1 MAF Sensor, Recomendations.

    sorry to jump in , would that maf work on a defender or a disco? bought a couple of ebay after market but they dont work correctly under load only achieve a reading of around 200 to 300 but sit at 60 on tick over
  14. kvnsmth

    air flow on disco?

    thats why i said seems to have the same, except the egr he has blamked his off i have not so same faults, could this suggest the ecu has been changed on mine
  15. kvnsmth

    air flow on disco?

    https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/cruise-control-not-working.285327/ seems to have the same on his defender?
  16. kvnsmth

    Disocvery 2 TD5 Nanocom

    well there is that i suppose
  17. kvnsmth

    Disocvery 2 TD5 Nanocom

    my defender has got bugger all else to access except the engine i should have just got the code for the disco td5 as it does access the defender engine through the disco settings
  18. kvnsmth

    Disocvery 2 TD5 Nanocom

    i have used mine numerous times on both defender and disco, must have paid for its self now i bought the codes for td5 defender and the disco cant imagine how much its saved me listing to bull****ting mechanics and the help here and other boards when you got a problem
  19. kvnsmth

    air flow on disco?

    ok strange one, got a new maf, still same error ,4kg on the nanaocom , got the volt meter readings all ok, so i decided oit must be another faulty maf, took the one off the disco, put it on defender everything hunky dory, so decided to check the other on the disco, worked fine , changed them...