1. L


    how do i put pictures on here wen i cant get the fu==ing right tyers on:p:D:D:D:D
  2. L

    About to buy an old Freelander - help!

    dont panic i had the same when i came along!just you wait for that most helpfull of people old wiltshire gaylander to turn up with another earth shattering remark!!!!
  3. L

    new tyres

    i would put black and round ones on thats what i was told by that well known tyre boffin wiltshire gaylander hang on a bit hes bound to have a bit of advice for you he is a secret gaylander lover :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  4. L

    electric window not working

    then i will stay :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  5. L

    electric window not working

    thanks im taking note one thing that bothers me today is thatwell know gaylander lover has not stuck his arse in you know the wiltshire gaylander were are you sweetcheecks:p:p:p:p:p:D:D:D:D
  6. L

    electric window not working

    ta for that mate:p:p:D:D:D:D
  7. L

    electric window not working

    many thanks :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  8. L

    electric window not working

    hello i can take a joke as good as the next gaylander but this guy wont give up i was looking for some help of someone who knows wats going on but all i got was this joker, if i wanted a laugh i could have got tickets to see a proper comedien not sir arsehole from wiltshire or was tha...
  9. L

    electric window not working

    hello my drivers side window dosent want to go up nor down the motor sounds as if its working so i guess its the cables or whatever is it much of a job to do myself, and im not sure how to get the door panel off without damaging anything, anyone done this job and can give me any help would be...
  10. L


    dont be daft i dont take it out in the rain and the cold i use the aston mar:eek:;)
  11. L


    had a look around this site and you come up quite often with the gaylander thing is there something you want to get out in the open?
  12. L

    engine chipped

    lo i ment look but im a bit dixl,a bit disclu a bit thick!!!!
  13. L

    engine chipped

    thanks for that will have a loo in to that:):)
  14. L

    engine chipped

    hello all thanks for the warm welcme yesterday!!! I was told i could get the freelander chipped to be more economical any one know the best one to have put in:confused::confused: lets try some sensable answers this time is it :)
  15. L


    looks like my juggular has been ripped out :D:D
  16. L


    got a gsoh ta for that
  17. L


    yes indeedy got it all wrong but i wont be put off:D:D:D
  18. L


    sorry didnt know i was asking a silly question:eek::)
  19. L


    ok got the message loud an clear thanks everyone:):)