1. J

    cylinder head replacement

    Ok.... Cheers.....cam sprocket locking tool should be here tomorrow so will look forward to a bit of fun on Sunday
  2. J

    cylinder head replacement

    And then that's the right position for setting the cams to .?
  3. J

    cylinder head replacement

    How is this done - is there a special tool or just jam in a flat screwdriver etc?...and is there a mark on the flywheel ?.... Cheers
  4. J

    cylinder head replacement

    Fingers crossed - its quite straightforward isn't it :smokin:
  5. J

    cylinder head replacement

    Thanks - and to ensure they are right - rear inlet cam pulley is located on the in slot on the pulley and the front exhaust cam pulley located on the exhaust slot of the pulley ???.... Really appreciate the help.
  6. J

    cylinder head replacement

    Ok.....the diagramm shows the position the crankshaft needs to be - I.e two dots either side of the line......but it isn't clear what position the camshaft pulleys should be in?..
  7. J

    cylinder head replacement

    Ok.....I'll have to start over at the weekend....so I can use the marks on the sprockets - I.e exhaust & in to set the cams ?..I'll try and pick up a locking tool fom somewhere too....
  8. J

    cylinder head replacement

    Didn't turn the engine over whilst the head off .....put everything back together and did turn over on the key .....no start......I'm worried now that I will have done damage to the valves having incorrectly put one of the sprockets back on.....I incorrectly used the ex slot on the inlet...
  9. J

    cylinder head replacement

    So I take it this can be done with the engine in situ?.....is there a tool available to do this - and this is the position the crankshaft needs to be in and set with the cam shafts ?...thanks
  10. J

    cylinder head replacement

    Yes I think garage are at fault - and maybee I will take it up with them once I have solved the problem Ok i think I have managed to screw up the timing as when everything has gone back together I think we have somehow managed to get the cam sprockets mixed up So it's back to square one - can...
  11. J

    cylinder head replacement

    Not looked but is it easy enough to get the sump off - any obstacles ?
  12. J

    cylinder head replacement

    Cheers - can you add anything regards the rail that the head bolts thread into - I understand this is accessed via the sump ...?...ta
  13. J

    cylinder head replacement

    By how much ?.....I'll have to check tomorrow as car is at my fathers house ?....cheers
  14. J

    cylinder head replacement

    Hi james - no the liners don't protrude from the face of the block - so just use emery paper to smooth out as best as possible in just that area ?
  15. J

    cylinder head replacement

    The mark to 2oclock is more of a gouge - you can feel this with your finger - its not near the water channels as you can see - that's why I am a little unsure
  16. J

    cylinder head replacement

    hi - a brief background - our vehicle suffered head gasket failure but due to driver not stopping we needed a new engine - this was bought off ebay and fitted by a local company - five minutes after collecting it overheated and we are back to square one - apparently it was shipped with a...
  17. J

    Tailgate won't lock

    Ah right...thanks,have tried but no luck, currently parked right up against fence so door can't be opened!
  18. J

    Tailgate won't lock

    Hi, what is the CDL switch ? I have tried locking with fob but I just get a blip of the horn to signify door still open I will go and have another try now as its been stood about an hour now Cheers
  19. J

    Tailgate won't lock

    I have owned my freelander for about a year and throughout my ownership the tailgate has always been temperamental, it has a habit of just bouncing open, normally after a couple of trys and shutting it slowly it catches and locks Tonight however it has ceased to lock. Is there any way I can...
  20. J

    Hello from me

    Hi, I'm John I live in Rochdale, I currently have a freelander (2 I think) it's an 02 three door - I bought about a year ago to use as my company vehicle, had relatively trouble free ownership other than head gasket failure and on Sunday clutch cylinder failure. I also have an 89 mx5 and am...