1. auntie

    Hello from Belgium

    Hi LennyG :welcome2: Wow that is one very nice Landy, I'm soooooo jealous!! The guys on here are great, everytime my poor ol' girl is broken and poorly (:crutch:) there is always someone here with good advice and she then lives to see another day. :banana:
  2. auntie

    Bleeding Diesel !

    Wahoo, she started and stayed started :high5: Once again you guys have been life savers and I can't thank you enough and best of all I get to keep the NDC on my RAC fees next year (or maybe I shouldn't shout too soon about that eh?) :praise: The boyf isn't useless after all (and...
  3. auntie

    Bleeding Diesel !

    Well, it could certainly be a starting point...!! The new filter came with 4 seals but we could only find a home for 3, and the old filter only had 3 on it too so I'm really not sure what that was all about and in the end we put it down to new parts just being supplied with enough rings for...
  4. auntie

    Bleeding Diesel !

    ....and that's putting it politely! But before I mention anything else, be aware there's a slitty under the bonnet (Daihatsu fourtrak 2.8) As it's Christmas an' all that, I thought it was about time my Gertie had a by-pass and along wiv all the other liquids required to keep her going I...
  5. auntie

    Blonde Moment -Tyre Q

    I meant the rims Sirus, the rims!! But reading back over my ad it does sound a bit daft doesn't it :p :D Ta for that bit of knowledge too! I'm gonna break out the hair dye tonight. :D
  6. auntie

    Blonde Moment -Tyre Q

    They are? I just told the said young fella that they are cross-plys, oops! :o Nevery mind... Ta for the knowledge Yella, and ta for yours too Mad Hat Man. One of ya had to be right! :D :D :D xxx
  7. auntie

    Blonde Moment -Tyre Q

    er, hope I'm doin' this right - link below... Landrover / Land Rover Steel Wheels with Off Road Tyres on eBay, also, Wheels with Tyres, Car Wheels, Tyres Trims, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 05-Apr-08 14:40:38 BST)
  8. auntie

    Blonde Moment -Tyre Q

    Nah, Woking.
  9. auntie

    Blonde Moment -Tyre Q

    Hi Guys, I hope this is the right place for this thread; well it seems to be where most of the tyre threads are lurking anyway.:D I'd like to pick some brains - I'm flogging some Deestone tyres on rims on ebay and a nice young man has asked me whether or not they are radials... And... I...
  10. auntie

    Wheels & Paint

    Soz for late reply, had to go to work an' all... I paid £15 per wheel all in for the shotblasting. He said they could have been up to £25 each if they had powder coating on, but they didn't, just rust and flaky old military stuff. A bargain in my opinion when I think of how much work...
  11. auntie

    Wheels & Paint

    Do you reckon the red oxide stuff would be OK?
  12. auntie

    Wheels & Paint

    Back to this ol' chestnut again... While my Landy is under the loving care and attention of the garage who's sorting out my voltage regulator, I felt the need to go shopping. :D I've bought some new (old) steel wheels and due to being dead lazy have just had them shot blasted to save me old...
  13. auntie

    The obvious question nobody asks...

    I could turn that one around a bit. I always moan at t'other half for coming in too early. "You can't possibly have fixed it all yet..." And I have to keep the tea coming. Blimey you'd think a bloke would be pleased to work on a filthy old Landy... :D
  14. auntie

    Cooked battery

    Thanks for all your advice. I've got her booked in with Challenger 4X4 for next Tuesday (I was swayed by their website and the pic of the head honcho in front of a Lightweight!! :) ) From our chat on the phone, he seems to think that it's the alternator up the swanny and quoted me 120 or so...
  15. auntie

    Cooked battery

    Sorry to sound green Slob, but do I have one? And if so, can it be seen in this piccy? BTW, this was taken prior to wiring tidy up, and in its original condition when purchased... UserCP updated.
  16. auntie

    Cooked battery

    Arrrrrgh, what's wrong with my Landy??? Long story very short: Battery fizzing, hissing and steaming after long journey and when boyf checked the voltage, found out that it's putting out 19v (its a 12v battery). 2nd time it's happened and 2nd battery now knackered. Other details that may...
  17. auntie

    Wolf wheels on a Lightweight...

    ...Will they fit? T'other half has had a busy week making my Lightweight look respectable. The only thing letting it down now (IMHO) is the wheels. When I purchased Gertie, she had some 8 spoke wheels with some pretty chunky tyres (also wheels had spacers). I was recommended that to improve...
  18. auntie


    Hi All Just thought I'd be all polite like and drop in here first before I start bombarding the board's populace with questions :D I lost my Landy virginity last October when in a fit of madness I bought an ex military Lightweight off ebay (she's Dutch, hence the name) I thought I'd bought...