So there is a woman who doesn't moan about when you coming in...

I could turn that one around a bit. I always moan at t'other half for coming in too early. "You can't possibly have fixed it all yet..."
And I have to keep the tea coming. Blimey you'd think a bloke would be pleased to work on a filthy old Landy... :D
oooh the opportunities for reading that not quite right auntie, try changing landy to lady like i read it the first time!

So you make tea! Luxury! Mite have to start takin me campin stove out with me! looks like you live a bit too far to pop round and make me a cuppa while im fixin stuff!
PS, She's a perfect size 12 with 36E breasts - and very pretty! She does all the cooking, cleaning, loves rubbing my feet, loves landrovers, is a whore in the bedroom! In return, I do the bloke jobs, DIY, cars, mowing the lawn etc. She's definitely a keeper!

Does she by any chance have a twin sister?
PS, She's a perfect size 12 with 36E breasts - and very pretty! She does all the cooking, cleaning, loves rubbing my feet, loves landrovers, is a whore in the bedroom! In return, I do the bloke jobs, DIY, cars, mowing the lawn etc. She's definitely a keeper! :D

is it just me? - why has no one asked fur pictures?
Any how that wimmin you've got Gyrating around on you siggy bit, thats an Exray of her going over the Pennines in the Dibnah.
this is more like it, Grunt.
