1. gencybay

    Could the cassette fast forward/ reverse thing be duplicated at the top of the page for phone browsers?

    It is to make coherent to older posters. Otherwise they'd have trouble sleeping wondering how to lift the stylus and move it onto the next track.
  2. gencybay

    I would just like to say

    Was this ever properly diagnosed and treated?
  3. gencybay

    I would just like to say

    Are the cows glad to see you back? Did they gather round you while you told them all about it?
  4. gencybay

    Internal 500 server

    Yes. Happening quite often now.
  5. gencybay

    I would just like to say

    You don't **** about with small projects, do you?
  6. gencybay

    I would just like to say

    Looks as bleak as @Def90man's place.
  7. gencybay

    I would just like to say

    Going skiing then?
  8. gencybay

    Rhodesian Series 2a engine number mystery

    The mechanics were all from Beetles
  9. gencybay

    Rhodesian Series 2a engine number mystery

    This Rhodesian classic vehicle could make a comeback in our current age of potholes.
  10. gencybay

    Rhodesian Series 2a engine number mystery

    Last picture is all wrong. The grill should have been removed and have some wors cooking on it.
  11. gencybay

    Annual Renewal for Member Subscription

    No problem is beyond a solution. There does not seem to be a solution. So could you stop going on about there being a problem?
  12. gencybay

    I would just like to say

    We have one - compressor type. Certainly not suitable as a bedroom companion overnight. Like @kermit_rr, drying laundry is its main use. As we are trying to keep the bills down I have noticed that its performance drops off with lower temperatures. Can't speak for the desiccant types but this...
  13. gencybay

    I would just like to say

    I blame Michael Howard.
  14. gencybay

    I would just like to say

    That a young teenage girl came screaming down the street today on a bolting horse. I stopped looking for my 3/8" ratchet in the boot of the Jag and managed to grab the horse's head collar and brought it to a halt. I calmed the horse and cared for the young girl until her mother arrived. None...
  15. gencybay

    Much advice needed! (WARNING, NEWBIE IDIOT!!!!)

    I think that the OP is considering two issues at once, the vehicle and the expedition. My nephew and his wife did the trip a few years back. I'll see if I can find their blog. Re the vehicle. I'd suggest writing to Foleys or Nenes asking to be taken on as an apprentice for a year or more...
  16. gencybay

    1997 P38 glides through MOTs for 7 years and SUDDENLY....

    Wot the "me too" movement grumble about.
  17. gencybay

    1997 P38 glides through MOTs for 7 years and SUDDENLY....

    In your case, I think that you were asking for it.