Not me in a kilt
Actual footage of me out shopping
Will expect you before the end of the week...
Not me in a kilt
Actual footage of me out shopping
Are you on your holidays, first Dumbarton beach & now paisley promenade.
Yes I is!
Who nose where I will be tomorrow night??
Come to my hoose bring stella
I’m afraid Stella wasn’t available tonight I spoke to tennents for a bit, but it wasn’t the same. ( not be staying at the Normandy again)
Have you been kicked oot yer castle..
I would have preferred the purple palace at Linwood but some pop band group thingy are in Glasgow tonight and tomorrow night and just about everywhere fully booked
Yer cause you like the colour purple..(not the film)
I likes both
Yer we know How come your sofa surfing..
That a young teenage girl came screaming down the street today on a bolting horse.
I stopped looking for my 3/8" ratchet in the boot of the Jag and managed to grab the horse's head collar and brought it to a halt.
I calmed the horse and cared for the young girl until her mother arrived.
None of this would be true but I would like to say it.
(TY to a departed one who used it in a job interview when asked "Is there anything else that you would like to add for us to consider?")
Morning all
It was raining this morning but sun starting to show.
Heading south today.