1. D

    V6 blowing fuses?

    Thanks for that. I have since come across another NAS freelander wiring diagram and that showed a 40 amp in FL10. Interesting that the 30 blew when she started to use the AC and pressed the brake, car in use a lot now and AC always on, 40 amp still in there for around 2 months, no sign of...
  2. D

    V6 blowing fuses?

    Hi and thanks for the thought. I can confirm that here we are eight days later and the 40 amp I fitted has not blown, car is in use very day for the moment and the weather dictates AC on all the time. If your NA model has a lid with the UK spec fuses as per this customer then I would bet it...
  3. D

    V6 blowing fuses?

    Well the plot thickens, the car is from America! I did recall checking the fuse was marked on the lid as FL10 ECM and 30 amp, and doubled checked this pm. The owner was concerned about having a 40 in that had not blown and decided to replace with another 30 map this morning and used the car...
  4. D

    V6 blowing fuses?

    Hoping look at the car tomorrow, this will allow a less ambiguous post. The fuse that blew is not one of the blade types, it is one of the cluster of 6 'block type' fuses, IIRC one of the 6 shown in your diagram FL 10 ECM RELAY as per your diagram, and that shows 40 map. The one that first...
  5. D

    Rave disk maintenance manual

    Hi and thanks for that, I was not sure, I will try it on my laptop later. Regards Dave
  6. D

    Rave disk maintenance manual

    Hi, downloaded the link for the Rave Freelander (thank you), however it is not working on my android tablet? Downloaded winzip but this does not extract, so tried winrar and this did extract but when I try Rave exe or any other files, I get the error message 'encrypted file'? I just need a...
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    V6 blowing fuses?

    Thanks for the posts thus far. I have not been able to put any time on the car because of the aforementioned injury, so was thinking I might come across a known quick fix. I am hoping to get more information on the fuse this coming weekend, it is not one of the main fuses which IIRC are in the...
  8. D

    V6 blowing fuses?

    2002 Freelander V6 auto, a 30 amp fuse in the box under the bonnet has blown twice, each time it causes the engine to cut out and refuses to start. Fitted a second 30 amp and it blew two days later. The fuse symbol is for engine, no OBD codes shown, no MIL light. Fitted a 40 amp (I know but...
  9. D

    300Tdi oil in cylinder

    Wet glow plug/s is normally a sign that it or they are not getting hot. Remove and test with cables AWAY from the battery. If they get hot and are red within about 10-20 seconds they can go back in, no sign of life then bin them, of course I am assuming the cables to the plugs have...
  10. D

    My Opinion of Paddock Spares

    Despite selling the Discovery and moving to a Land Cruiser (long story but not brand bashing) I have not personally used Paddocks however, many of my friends here in Spain do and they are happy. In the past I was very pleased with Paddocks service to me, even had a wheel turn up with a less...
  11. D

    Steering box and temp gauge

    Disconnect the wire from the sender and with the ignition on earth the sender wire to the engine block, if the gauge goes up then it is the sender, no movement means search elsewhere, loose wire, faulty gauge ect. Regards Dave
  12. D

    TD5 rear passenger door lock removal

    Nice one, many thanks for the quick reply and of course links to other forums are always welcome. regards Dave
  13. D

    TD5 rear passenger door lock removal

    Hi all, need to remove the above door lock motor. I have removed plenty of front ones but this one looks to be a PITA! The central locking will not unlock (but will lock) this door. It is the only one not working and the connections are good and clean, I am going for the motor, any...
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    My Opinion of Paddock Spares

    Since I sold my Discovery and bought the Landcruiser I have had little dealings with Paddock however, in the past they were very good, now if I need something delivered to me here in Spain along with a couple of my customers who order their parts direct we have all had stirling service with 4...
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    oil leaks on my drive

    My trusty old 200 tdi (LHD spanish spec) was one of the best multi use cars I have ever owned. Mon - Fri running around town (brilliant A/C system) the odd airport run thrown in, weekends thrashed within an inch of it's life on local challenge events, sad to see it go but an injury tat will...
  16. D

    My Opinion of Paddock Spares

    I book you right on this mate! I also believe that most results in Google are skewed towards the top in exchange for MONEY.....as if someone would do that! ;) regards Dave
  17. D

    Brake pedal travel issues (long story)

    Well no doubt you have seen how long I have waited for a reply which to be honest is unusual. Perhaps a lot of members were preparing or had gone on early holidays of perhaps they too have given up? Anyway, I did spend a lot of time getting as close as can be, this was done by trial and error...
  18. D

    I was driving along a dry river bed and......

    I wanted a larger vehicle than the Discovery along with something a little more comfortable, the Range Rover/Landcruiser both fitted the bill. regards Dave
  19. D

    I was driving along a dry river bed and......

    The fact that the local authorities knew this could happen and allowed the notices to be removed p*ssed me right off! And being stuck in sunny Spain on a Sunday and during siesta was no joke! regards Dave
  20. D

    Brake pedal travel issues (long story)

    Hi guys and girls, I need a little help with a 2002 TD5, 70,000 miles, the car had regular use but only short runs and would often stand for days in between. It is LHD but I do not think this adds any complication, no warning lights on the dashboard. ABS works fine, car stops in a straight...