
New Member
I bought a well use 94 300tdi in the best colour dirty and hope For years of trouble free service from it lol apart from the fact it needs a steering box any tips on doing this job would go along way.And what would be the best place to start for a non functioning temperature gauge
Thanks in advance
Hi welcome to loonyzone. Steering box swaps are fairly simple, couple of tips I can pass on from doing my own swap; Firstly, when disconnecting the clamps from the steering shaft into the box, remove the bolts completely, I only loosened them at first, thinking this would work, then spent 30 mins trying to beat the clamp off the shaft with a mallet. Secondly, secure the box from above with something before undoing the last bolt, coz dropping it on your head REALLY fooking hurts! As for temp gauge, check wires from sender to gauge, if they are ok, then test the sender.
My temperature gauge is being a bugger at the moment. Stopped working through summer which was worrying.... didn't bother to ass about with it and I was on my way to Wales a few weeks ago for some laning and it did it again :( So I tapped the plastic front of the gauge and the needle went back up! Faulty connection or dry joint on the back of my clock I guess :(
Ok so a wee update
Re.the steering box I decided to order one online and have it sent here in France
So later that day I went outside to have a proper look at the job first thing I spotted was the drop arm looked very low on the output shaft so I have a feel and the big nut is not even hand tight and was only on by 3 threads it pratically feel off in my hand along with the drop arm HOW FOOKING Dangerous is that !! After refitting properly and locking with the big bendy washer thing took it for a drive and it feels like a new box tight as a nun but now I'm gona have a spare as it won't be worth the shipping to return the box that's on it way lol

As for the temp have checked the wire at the sensor it seems fine can't see it coming off at the dash so I shall order a new sensor
Disconnect the wire from the sender and with the ignition on earth the sender wire to the engine block, if the gauge goes up then it is the sender, no movement means search elsewhere, loose wire, faulty gauge ect.



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