1. J

    Landyzone rescue service north Somerset area

    i was supposed to be taking them to weston for the day for her birthday,a little shopping and a nice meal out but i wanted to see where that lane went to and kids egged me on,she went next day though minus me.
  2. J

    Landyzone rescue service north Somerset area

    well and truly in dog house:(
  3. J

    Landyzone rescue service north Somerset area

    just like to say a big thank you too all who got me out the **** today,i have learned a valuable lesson,but i need help now with getting out of the **** with the better half,this didn't go down well with her being stuck in the car for 5 hours + with her mother,she never got to next and new look...
  4. J

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    count me in (depending on dates that is),had a great time last weekend
  5. J

    salisbury lanes trip 31st march 2012

    1)Series71 2_Baggyjim 3)snifflebag 4)Daft 5)Alfresco 6)110woman 7)Mseries3 8)BlueBeasty 9)Redhand & Minty 10)Drewster ( minus CB ) 11)Ratty & Ballast 12)The v8man 13)mud-4-it 14)JP 15)snoopyjon 16)Fatboy11 17)Badger 18)Vagrent 19)wiltshirelandyman reserve and maybe list...