Jeez, wife AND mother-in-law in the back when you get stuck .. now that's either bravery or st00pidity.

Think I'll go with st00pidity .. ;)

Good to see LZIR goes where no others should .. ;)

I parked me vehicle on a public highway and carried the tirfor and cable 1/4mile to the rescue site. :eek: So I was allowed to be there cos I was on foot :p :p
Jeez, wife AND mother-in-law in the back when you get stuck .. now that's either bravery or st00pidity.

Think I'll go with st00pidity .. ;)

Good to see LZIR goes where no others should .. ;)

As you can see by the pics there are no landys anywhere near the casualty vehicle. It was recovered out of the hole by using my Hi-lift used as a hand winch and then pikeys tirfor took over once he arrived on scene.
Well done guys good job

Who takes there mother in law laning:jaw:

All you need now is
i was supposed to be taking them to weston for the day for her birthday,a little shopping and a nice meal out but i wanted to see where that lane went to and kids egged me on,she went next day though minus me.
i was supposed to be taking them to weston for the day for her birthday,a little shopping and a nice meal out but i wanted to see where that lane went to and kids egged me on,she went next day though minus me.

Are you gradually wriggling yer way out the doghouse yet?
i was supposed to be taking them to weston for the day for her birthday,a little shopping and a nice meal out but i wanted to see where that lane went to and kids egged me on,she went next day though minus me.
:hysterically_laughi So its all the kids fault !!!! and i dont blame the mother in law for going without you:D:D
i was supposed to be taking them to weston for the day for her birthday,a little shopping and a nice meal out but i wanted to see where that lane went to and kids egged me on,she went next day though minus me.

Apart from a good wash- the vehicle is damage free?

Fair play for coming on and thanking everyone and taking the abuse:D

I'd imagine your grovelling to the wife as the kids tell their mates the tale.

Bottom line nobody was hurt:D

Are you coming to show to tell us our land Rovers are crap, but LZ international rescue is the best
Apart from a good wash- the vehicle is damage free?

Fair play for coming on and thanking everyone and taking the abuse:D

I'd imagine your grovelling to the wife as the kids tell their mates the tale.

Bottom line nobody was hurt:D

Are you coming to show to tell us our land Rovers are crap, byt LZ international rescue is the best

I spose we could dig a hole on the LZ stand and plant the paj to show a re-enactment type theme.:D:D:D
I spose we could dig a hole on the LZ stand and plant the paj to show a re-enactment type theme.:D:D:D

why is it the photo's NEVER show the full extent of what the terrain was like?
I spose we could dig a hole on the LZ stand and plant the paj to show a re-enactment type theme.:D:D:D
Like this?

why is it the photo's NEVER show the full extent of what the terrain was like?

Yep. Once it was out of the hole I was hoping it would move under it's own steam but the lack of solid base mixed with the severe side slope was a bad combination.:(
Redhand and Ratty .. I didn't mean you'd done anything illegally, I meant that LZIR will go out of it's way to help others .. far more than AA, RAC, whoever else, will do ... Certainly didn't mean to imply you've done anything wrong, in fact I think you did everything absolutely right and could be an inspiration to others .. ;)
Redhand and Ratty .. I didn't mean you'd done anything illegally, I meant that LZIR will go out of it's way to help others .. far more than AA, RAC, whoever else, will do ... Certainly didn't mean to imply you've done anything wrong, in fact I think you did everything absolutely right and could be an inspiration to others .. ;)

They will come out, but they will charge for it.

I go out and do similar recoverys for most of the breakdown organisations. In 9 out of 10 cases the member is liable to pay for the specialist charges. A recovery like that would probably cost anywhere between £300 and £800 depending on the area and number of staff involved.

If I was assessing that same scene with a view to pricing it, I would have probably put it at £300 and insisted on the land owners permission before taking my vehicle up there.
Interesting point Ratz. Are yu suggesting that because of the OP, it is possible that all helpers may have been trespassing? :eek:
Interesting point Ratz. Are yu suggesting that because of the OP, it is possible that all helpers may have been trespassing? :eek:

Yes and No.

Although it is a possibility, under the common law of trespass you are only trespassing AFTER you have been asked to leave. If you leave as requested and by the shortest practical route then you are still not trespassing and there is no criminal offence for this. You can however get sued for damage.

By asking to be there and obtaining permission aswell as explaining what your intentions are, you cannot be sued as you have obtained permission to undertake that task. By agreeing for you to undertake the task the land owner or its representative also agrees to the risk of damage caused. If you asked to walk your dog on the land to obtain the permission to be there but really went to unstick a bogged vehicle you are still liable for the damage although permission was granted. This is because you have made your intention clear and the damage caused by extracting a vehicle is far greater than that caused by walking your dog.
Not sure how that would affect ^^^^? If the landowner had turned up and yu explained that yu were trying to remove the vehicle, and he asked yu to leave; would yu have to leave immediately, or could yu leave "by the shortest means" but removing the vehicle before hand, if you know what I mean?
Not sure how that would affect ^^^^? If the landowner had turned up and yu explained that yu were trying to remove the vehicle, and he asked yu to leave; would yu have to leave immediately, or could yu leave "by the shortest means" but removing the vehicle before hand, if you know what I mean?

I don't know tbh. I've never been given an outright NO. I've always been allowed access or asked to come back at a later time (sometimes weeks later if crops are growing in a field). Sometimes the land owner may prefer to move the vehicle to the edge of their property themselves.
After some research......

If the owner of the property refuses to let you take the vehicle he is arrestable for theft as he is depriving you of the right to drive your car. If he moves your vehicle and damages it in the process he has commited criminal damage. If you remove the vehicle and damage his property in the process, you commit criminal damage.

From a legal point of view a vehicle parked on private property is commiting trespass but unless you can show financial loss you cannot prosecute.

Unless the vehicle is causing an obstruction the police cannot touch the vehicle either.

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