1. H

    Sat Nav Query

    copies on ebay £30....:)
  2. H

    Leaking roof?

    proper dodgy....get if fixed via insurance....whats in gonna cost ya?? £50 excess....:)...small price to pay
  3. H

    p38 - L322

    had a P38 for over 5 years...traded to an l322 last october..at the moment i would say the l322 has the edge, yes a few niggles, but the ride comfort more than makes up for them. in the 5 plus years i owned my p38 never had a bother, service regular and they run and run. only work needed...
  4. H

    Battery drain - help/advice needed!

    had same battery drain....turned out the satnav was sh@@ged..fitted 2nd hand unit,,,alll ok sofar
  5. H

    What ones are the best??

    gotta go down the petrol route....much more grunt and sounds stunning... just my own opinion..
  6. H

    Whats it Worth???

    in a word....NO... no disrespect, but mines just as good and paid £9k got 10,000 more miles than yours but got full entertainment system (screens in rear of seats) proffesionally fitted:)
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    why would my heater blower just stop

    no worries mate..:):) as for etticate....being an hairy ar$ed builder what i know abour etticate you could write on the back of a stamp..
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    why would my heater blower just stop

    i,ve no doubt, and always grateful for any advise, but surely people could explain themselves better than calling someone OI....
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    Voge 9K is it worth it?

    just paid 9500 for mine on a 03 plate
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    why would my heater blower just stop

    HELLO......i,m YERSEN.....and your advise was wrong..:):)
  11. H

    why would my heater blower just stop

    Oi! Introduce yersen first, before asking questions. And it could be your fan speed resistor if you can only get speed 4. If you can't get speed 4 either it will be your relay. whats with the OI!!!!
  12. H

    why would my heater blower just stop

    cheers defunct....workin a treat now...thanks
  13. H

    why would my heater blower just stop

    as the title suggests, heater blower working fine, then this morning just stops all by its self, yes checked the fuse not that, any ideas would be appreciated...:)