1. Envoy

    Treadlightly's Facebook rant

    I was there on the 29th, I have never been there before and was invited to join a group that had been properly organised, it was a smallish group and they obeyed the rules, kept the speed down and kept to the lanes, we did end up at the mud hole late on in the day, there was already several...
  2. Envoy

    G'day peeps

    Them were the days mate!:cool:
  3. Envoy

    G'day peeps

    Thanks for the warm welcome:tea: no I am not a bolshy Aussie, just an whinging pomm;) I might have been around for a while but judging by the amount of damage I do to my Landy you wouldn't think so:o
  4. Envoy

    Derbyshire sun 5th anyone????

    Yep Simon, but whatever, Dave, Pete Bill...................... my ex missus used to call out other peoples names when we were shagging so I am used to it:o lol
  5. Envoy

    Derbyshire sun 5th anyone????

    Thanks guys for an interesting day and nice to meet you all:)
  6. Envoy

    G'day peeps

    Hi everyone that either knows me or not New to this forum, have been around off roading for many years so thought it was about time I joined the forum and kept up with what's going on.