
New Member
Hi everyone that either knows me or not

New to this forum, have been around off roading for many years so thought it was about time I joined the forum and kept up with what's going on.
Good day to you too buddy ... I hope the g'day doesn't mean you're a bolshy Aussie bastard though ;)
Thanks for the warm welcome:tea: no I am not a bolshy Aussie, just an whinging pomm;)

I might have been around for a while but judging by the amount of damage I do to my Landy you wouldn't think so:eek:
Thanks for the warm welcome:tea: no I am not a bolshy Aussie, just an whinging pomm;)

I might have been around for a while but judging by the amount of damage I do to my Landy you wouldn't think so:eek:

Good stuff fella and loving your Avatar ;)

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