1. Desiderata

    HELLLP!! please :@/

    I had the same thing 2 motnh ago, it was a drive shaft UJ.
  2. Desiderata

    Fold Down Seats

    i ve got a couple of fold down seats in the back of my 90'. they fold away to on top of the wing and face forward when folded out. Are these a standard fit in a 90' and are they legal ? :o
  3. Desiderata

    Help! - fitting steps

    would it be easier to make a bracket to join the two ?
  4. Desiderata

    hi one and all

    Hello there and welcome.
  5. Desiderata

    Clutch problems

    Replaced the Slave cylinder and bled, problem solved. thanks for your help. :)
  6. Desiderata

    Clutch problems

    thank you. :-)
  7. Desiderata

    Clutch problems

    Morning Folk, i have defender 90 200 tdi, over the last three days the clutch position has dropped and dropped to the point i have now had to put my land rover off the road because i am struggling to engage a gear. Any advice would be gratefully received.:confused: i don't think the clutch...
  8. Desiderata

    2.5TD engine for anyone who can collect it

    :confused: i am not coming ere again when ive had a few beers
  9. Desiderata

    hello all!!!

    welcome, my sister lived in a wee place called Granton on Spey about 20 miles south of Inverness, lovely part of the world but from what she said a landrover is a must in wintertime. Her Hubby worked in Avimore. There are some excellent characters in this forum and some honest advice.
  10. Desiderata

    404 error

    Can you cut your grass with one of them ?
  11. Desiderata

    The Sunday Legal Surgery

    Just wanted to link to this thread, some very interesting stuff here, not sure of any other way to do it than via a post. Retsgom your a good man.
  12. Desiderata

    Greetings from Barnstaple, Devon

    Hello and Welcome
  13. Desiderata

    hi, im new!!!

    Hello and Welcome, what type of engineering are you training in ?
  14. Desiderata


    i know i'm new here but is it "attract a tosser weekend"? what with jimmy the whelk last night and then this Bernie fella now. ?
  15. Desiderata


    i have a night shift body clock, what keeps you out of bed at this hour ?
  16. Desiderata


    i think he said play grunt.
  17. Desiderata

    Sex, driving and anti-virus software

    :) goodnight folk.
  18. Desiderata

    Sex, driving and anti-virus software

    seems our would be clever friend has either fallen asleep or run out of things to say.
  19. Desiderata

    Sex, driving and anti-virus software

    Jim you obviously love what you do, but you seem to be completely missing the point. Forums are about helping people and having a laugh. To be frank you are just making a complete idiot of yourself you do not appear clever at all. As much as you are trying to be.