1. S

    More a question than a problem....I hope

    Sorry for the delay in getting back.....just finished a very long shift. Thanks for these - it's a 2001, doesn't appear to be the subframe as I have tried going on and off load and it doesn't clunk at all! It does happen turning into a parking space, but as I said ONLY if I have been driving...
  2. S

    Yay! New toy

    What is it with burning Freelanders???? I used a heat gun to restore the grey first and then back to black each time I clean it - never completely black, but far easier than getting bumpers off!
  3. S

    More a question than a problem....I hope

    Hi everyone, I know the common fix to a freelander is to burn it, but I was hoping for some other ideas to try first :) Here is the outline - had the ird, supports, mounting brackets and bushes all changed approx 4 months ago and now most of the time she behaves herself and we don't get any...
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    Location of air-con drain

    Thought i would report back now that i have a nice (:p garden) hose fitted and all seems well... Thanks for the help in locating both the problem and the solution.
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    Location of air-con drain

    Well that looks like it the problem....pipe is MIA will fit another and see if that does the trick, will let you know, but many thanks for the help.
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    Location of air-con drain

    Thanks for the pics - will have a look and see if I have one :) in the morning
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    Location of air-con drain

    After not looking on Sunday due to the amount of rain falling not just vertically, but horizontally in Donegal! so I decided to have a look this morning and couldn't see the blasted pipe - is it possible for someone to post a picture and I can check. Could the pipe be missing or broken off...
  8. S

    Interior lights

    Had the same problem myself, took the lights out completely and cleaned all contacts with white sprit dried off and then replaced. All ok since. Hope it helps
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    Location of air-con drain

    No I can't hear the recirculated air flap move, but I do hear a different noise from the fan itself which I presume means that the flap is moving. I had the heating set to full heat, no aircon, and 1/2 screen 1/2 floor and very little misting today, mostly on the rear windows, whereas yesterday...
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    Location of air-con drain

    Thanks for the location. No the pollen filter cover was replaced and when I put demist on yes the air-conus on, but the problem seems worse which is why I thought that the drain plug was blocked. I have checked the interior light for water from the aerial as well and the footwells being bone...
  11. S

    Location of air-con drain

    Hello Everyone, I've had my 01 TD4 freelander for about 6 months and apart from the usual probs (which a very good mechanic has fixed) she's running great. Apart from a demisting problem which has got very bad in the last few weeks. I have checked the following myself Pollen filter - removed...