Bulkhead Transport?

    Well, I see soo many of them rotting, or for spares on ebay. Thought, even though It'll probably bankrupt me :), I might as well save one. Then I may even sell for a Def 90 ;)

    Bulkhead Transport?

    Im thinking the same! Dont think its going to be me that gets it though!--Im on a pretty tight budget!

    Bulkhead Transport?

    Looks pretty good, thanks! Its even pretty close to me. Have contacted to see if it confirms with their t&c's Thanks Biosbill

    Bulkhead Transport?

    U looking at the same thing as me by any chance?? :) Its in Knighton Powys (hope thats wales otherwise im gonna look an idiot!:( ) and im in Norfolk

    Bulkhead Transport?

    Think you said 34kgs, but I take it thats brand new, without dash/wiring etc. Think DHL would just about take a bare one, but think with all the other stuff, would be too heavy

    Bulkhead Transport?

    Just found a bulkhead for my S3, looks just about perfect with all the bits I need! Trouble is its in Wales and im in Norfolk (216 miles). Any ideas of how to get it here? Have got quotes from the courier people advertising on ebay, but that's £200+ then I see shops on ebay selling 5 tyres on...

    Fuel Guage Opposite

    Right, after looking at the wiring diagrams; You are right there is only 1 wire that goes from the fuel tank sender, as everything else is earthed to the chassis. So, I would simply swap the wires round on the gauge, and see if that has any effect. The wires should be; From Voltage...

    Diff Locks

    Depends if you've got diff locks on the axle diffs. The series Transfer Box doesnt have a central differencial, so the Four wheel drive control simply locks the Dog Clutch, and therfore sending drive to all the wheels. But normally a Series only drives the rear wheels. This is why its not good...

    Fuel Guage Opposite

    Personally (after just rewiring my S3 dash) , Id swap the wires to the gauge. Just unscrew the too screws that hold the gauges/dash in. Pull it out (mind the speedo cable--mines just too short!) then swap the two wires on the fuel gauge. If that doesnt work, check the voltge stabliser wires...

    wanted rear door

    I got a good rear door, and hard top for £25 on ebay! Fitted them just nice. Think i'll need to redo the runners for the windows soon though.


    Cannot find a decent s3 bulkhead anywhere, im thinking of just buying EVERY repair part and doing mine even though it going to be about £100 in bits! Anyway, having seen that I can get hold of a Defender Bulkhead kinda easilly, from ebay ETC, would be brilliant to be able to use one of them...

    V8 gearbox on series gearbox?

    dont forget that throttle linkages, and electrics need to be changed

    V8 gearbox on series gearbox?

    Dont quote me on this as im no expert. But I think most conversions use the standard series Gearbox, with an adaptor plate to mate the bellhousing to the GB, sometimes they need a different Flywheel or Clutch. Not sure but think the GB or Engine sometimes need to be moved, depending on the...

    fairey pto winch

    Think last time I looked around for one, the best place for Capstan bits/the Drive Dog (thats the bit I wanted) was PG Winches Quite pricey, but looks like just the bits you need, and I couldnt find anywhere else that would do them!

    Rough pricing for mates series?

    im screwwed then. My 1973 S3 bulkheads in need of replacement, and i need a new wiring loom, plus another 50 or so small parts. Is going to be around £400 parts. Doesnt even look worth doing from this thread, I dont want to loose £1000's! Was going to strip to chassis, replaint...

    Rough pricing for mates series?

    Rough Idea going on what ive seen around, something from about £1200-£2000 if ur lucky. Depending on the quality of the rebuild.


    Ive got Deestone Extra Tractions on the rear of my S3 SWB at the moment. I really like them! Would love to get hold of another three, but as previously said, I cant seem to find anywhere that does them! Any Ideas?

    Chassis Protection

    Hi, Thanks for your quick reply, and help! Any ideas where I can get hold of Gravel Guard? Thanks,

    Chassis Protection

    Looks a very good finish, think I'll do something similar to mine. Ebbadger, how much "gravel guard" did you use? Just wondering how much I should get!

    HAHA, Reason to buy a Landy

    Just had to post this video; Axle Twister---Or Not! He's going on about how their upgrade makes this Lexus junk better up this ramp. A standard 90 would drive over that easily. I dont think its even the proper 45 degree twister ramp!