1. S

    chrome wheel nut covers

    Wot? No Pictures? ;)
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    New Member - will I fit in?

    NOT a Hippo? :blabla: I'm Hippo-Less and pleased......:D only glitch is (you know who) someone knows about the refund.... christmas coming up....... etc etc:doh:
  3. S

    Anybody got experience of getting money back for faulty Land Rover?

    Getting my money back now Folks..... I might not be a Land Rover owner for much longer, but I've still enjoyed the Banter on this site... may pop back from time to time - just to annoy people by talking about Gaylanders and so on...
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    New Member - will I fit in?

    :p Should I be sad, Pleased or just relieved? Car stealer has just agreed to take my Gaylander back - I've had so much trouble with it these last 3 weeks (feels like 3 years...) Will I have to leave the LandyZone site now? It was 2004 (facelift) TD4 5 door model. I must admit I did enjoy the...
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    Anybody got experience of getting money back for faulty Land Rover?

    Truthfull reply is - I don't know that much about the engine, every time I get it back from the garage - it goes back in the next day!! I bought it 19 days ago, they've had it over 15 of those.....:o
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    Anybody got experience of getting money back for faulty Land Rover?

    They owe me about £5500 + expenses (forget the expenses.....):doh:
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    Anybody got experience of getting money back for faulty Land Rover?

    I'm the (unlucky) new owner of 2004 Freelander TD4. Bought 9th November and has been back at the car dealer for most of that time. Main problem is in the engine. Every time I pick it up they say it's fine now..... It's not. Taking it back (again) tomorrow. Want my money back!!! :blabla: Problem...
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    Cigarette Lighter For Freelander (Facelift 2004)

    Would have been a fair swap I reckon...... Got what I wanted from a dealer on eBay... thanks to all anyway.:D
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    New Member - will I fit in?

    Here I am nervously waiting to collect my Gaylander again (tomorrow - I'm collecting it from the garage for the 3rd time now...). I notice people are warning me against calling it a 'truck' ..... I can assure everyone that I have called it far worse...... I'm reminded of getting out of it...
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    Cigarette Lighter For Freelander (Facelift 2004)

    Thanks for that coz1 (lol):rolleyes: Off to the scrapyard on the week-end then......:D
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    New Member - will I fit in?

    There is a conflict in the Hippo's name..... FREE..... Lander. Which bit is FREE? :confused:
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    Cigarette Lighter For Freelander (Facelift 2004)

    Fancy that - A Land Rover in a scrapyard..... certainly worth a try..... when my Hippo comes back out of the menders.... :o
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    Cigarette Lighter For Freelander (Facelift 2004)

    I need the Socket part - mine is duff. Can't charge my mobile, TomTom and so on. Can't find one easily on Fleabay at the moment.
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    New Member - will I fit in?

    When I see a Freelander by the side of the road now... why do I say to myself: 'Oh look - there's a breakdown truck' ?;)
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    Tailgate window fault

    My Freelander decided to do the same..... dropped the tailgate window.Trouble was the window regulator broke with window completely down - didn't help that it was dark and pouring with rain. I found black bin bags and duck tape are a good alternative.
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    New Member - will I fit in?

    Hi to everyone - Just bought a 2004 Freelander TD4 5 door. I'm wondering if I will fit into this forum.....? Bought the truck 3 weeks ago and I've only had it outside my house 3 days of that. The rest of the time it has been back at the garage!!!! Engine problem, back window regualor bust, HDC...