
New Member
Hi to everyone -
Just bought a 2004 Freelander TD4 5 door.
I'm wondering if I will fit into this forum.....?
Bought the truck 3 weeks ago and I've only had it outside my house 3 days of that. The rest of the time it has been back at the garage!!!!
Engine problem, back window regualor bust, HDC light on, central locking locked me out....... blah di blah...... these Land Rovers are great.... aren't they?:mad:
And don't whatever you do call a Hippo a truck, jeeeeeeezzzzzzzz you already have :eek::eek:
You'll do fine mate, honest. :flame2:
At least you didn't buy a 1.8 petrol

Had our FL Td4 a month now and still doing what it should when it should - fingers welln & truely crossed
When I see a Freelander by the side of the road now... why do I say to myself: 'Oh look - there's a breakdown truck' ?;)
:welcome2:and good luck, you're gonna need it matey ... oh and the sense of humour, you must have the ability to laugh when Landyzone laughs at you :D
welcome to the forum, you'll need a thick skin, but it's good fun and all the answers are here, maybe shrouded in clouds of abuse, but here none the less.

(have a td4 myself, great vehicle - definitely not a truck though)
Go onto the anything goes bit and shout "Im proud to have a Freelander" and see what happens. That will tell if you belong here. lol.
The skinned knuckles, grey hair, irate family ohh yeah overdraft (but thats not always free) :doh:
Hi to everyone -
Just bought a 2004 Freelander TD4 5 door.
I'm wondering if I will fit into this forum.....?

Doubt it! No one else does. :) There is no typical LZ member, in fact there are some who only have Land Rovers as garage ornaments - usually leaf springed vehicle owners.:D and Series 71

Bought the truck 3 weeks ago and I've only had it outside my house 3 days of that. The rest of the time it has been back at the garage!!!!
Engine problem, back window regualor bust, HDC light on, central locking locked me out....... blah di blah...... these Land Rovers are great.... aren't they?:mad:

Sounds like you've been unlucky as it's only a 2004 model, unless it's been poorly maintained. The more smug members on here i.e. Defender owners, will tell you that they never have the sorts of problems you're experiencing - because they don't have half the gizmos your vehicle was fitted with. In fact it has been known for some Defender owners to rip out their modern wind down windows and replace them with the earlier sliding windows as they can't cope with anything vaguely 2nd half 20th century technology. I am sure that if a company marketed a steering wheel based advance/retard lever then they would make a killing in the LR enthusiast market.:)

Certainly avoid entering the "Anything Goes" section with any notion that you are a proud Freelander owner. You will be quickly be disabused of that fact, dismissed as a Gaylander and be the butt of their humour. However, that's only jealousy, and secretly they yearn for the chance to join the Gaylander section. Most of them drive a eurobox during the day and only drive their Land Rovers when their friends are around. :rolleyes:

Having warned you off, I would also add that LandyZone is a font of most Land Rover knowledge with many members only too willing to answer your questions. Just one rule if you wish to avoid a verbal battering - before you ask your question, do a search.

Otherwise you will find the LZ membership can answer any question posed. Well apart from one (No not "What is the ultimate answer to life, the universe and everything?") but why the hell would anyone buy a Gaylander? :D:D:D
Here I am nervously waiting to collect my Gaylander again (tomorrow - I'm collecting it from the garage for the 3rd time now...).
I notice people are warning me against calling it a 'truck' ..... I can assure everyone that I have called it far worse...... I'm reminded of getting out of it (engine running) and then finding the central locking had LOCKED!! :doh: Didn't help as I was in a small village 60 miles from home, it was dark and raining - mobile, glasses, wallet etc etc all safely locked in the car and engine burning diesel away like a good 'un...... (wot a plonker eh?)
Looking forward to tomorrow though......:eek:
:p Should I be sad, Pleased or just relieved? Car stealer has just agreed to take my Gaylander back - I've had so much trouble with it these last 3 weeks (feels like 3 years...) Will I have to leave the LandyZone site now? It was 2004 (facelift) TD4 5 door model.
I must admit I did enjoy the LOOK / FEEL of it, but I don't think I'll rush out to buy another one........
:p Should I be sad, Pleased or just relieved? Car stealer has just agreed to take my Gaylander back - I've had so much trouble with it these last 3 weeks (feels like 3 years...) Will I have to leave the LandyZone site now? It was 2004 (facelift) TD4 5 door model.
I must admit I did enjoy the LOOK / FEEL of it, but I don't think I'll rush out to buy another one........
buy a defender

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